All Stories

  1. Developing and validating a scale for entrepreneurial marketing orientations: EMICO framework and its impact on business performance in startups
  2. Marketing Outcomes and Shareholder Value: A Review and Research Agenda
  3. Signaling theory and its relevance in international marketing: a systematic review and future research agenda
  4. When mass meets prestige: The impact of symbolic motivations, inspirations, and purchase intentions for Masstige products
  5. Factors influencing behavioural intention to avail omnichannel service among Gen Y consumers
  6. “I can't look at you while talking!” – fear of missing out and smartphone addiction as predictors of consumer's phubbing behavior
  7. Unraveling customer repurchase intention in OFDL context: An investigation using a hybrid technique of SEM and fsQCA
  8. INNOSERV: Generalized scale for perceived service innovation
  9. Frameworks for developing impactful systematic literature reviews and theory building: What, Why and How?
  10. Watching is valuable: Consumer views – Content consumption on OTT platforms
  11. Corrigendum to “Intrinsic motivation of luxury consumers in an emerging market” [J. Retailing Consum. Serv. 61 (2021) 1–11/102531]
  12. Organic food consumption and contextual factors: An attitude–behavior–context perspective
  13. Adoption of digital financial transactions: A review of literature and future research agenda
  14. Perceived usefulness of online customer reviews: A review mining approach using machine learning & exploratory data analysis
  15. Visual merchandising and store atmospherics: An integrated review and future research directions
  16. Masstige scale: An alternative to measure brand equity
  17. Factors affecting green purchase behavior: A systematic literature review
  18. Theory generation from literature reviews: A methodological guidance
  19. Nostalgia: A Review, Propositions, and Future Research Agenda
  20. Consumers' relationship with mass prestige brands and happiness
  21. Role of social media on mobile banking adoption among consumers
  22. Examining guests’ experience in luxury hotels: evidence from an emerging market
  23. Deciphering ‘Urge to Buy’: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents
  24. Demystifying tourists’ intention to purchase travel online: the moderating role of technical anxiety and attitude
  25. The internationalization of Australian innovative small‐to‐medium enterprises utilizing wholly foreign‐owned entities in China
  26. Blockchain for SME Clusters: An Ideation using the Framework of Ostrom Commons Governance
  27. The virality of advertising content
  28. The role of brand experience, brand resonance and brand trust in luxury consumption
  29. Mass prestige, brand happiness and brand evangelism among consumers
  30. Relationships among actors within the sharing economy: Meta-analytics review
  31. Bandwagon effect revisited: A systematic review to develop future research agenda
  32. The role of organismic integration theory in marketing science: A systematic review and research agenda
  33. The role of sensory marketing and brand experience in building emotional attachment and brand loyalty in luxury retail stores
  34. Consumers’ untrust and behavioral intentions in the backdrop of hotel booking attributes
  35. Meta‐analysis and traditional systematic literature reviews—What, why, when, where, and how?
  36. Frugal innovations: A multidisciplinary review & agenda for future research
  37. Role of emerging markets vis-à-vis frontier markets in improving portfolio diversification benefits
  38. Revisiting models of internationalization: Pre‐export phase and lateral rigidity of emerging market Small and Medium Enterprises
  39. Role of socioemotional wealth (SEW) in the internationalisation of family firms
  40. Healthcare apps’ purchase intention: A consumption values perspective
  41. Determinants of adoption of latest version smartphones: Theory and evidence
  42. Examining the role of consumer impulsiveness in multiple app usage behavior among mobile shoppers
  43. Forty years of European Management Journal: A bibliometric overview
  44. The study evaluates effect of online social media marketing efforts on customer response.
  45. The bright side of online consumer behavior: Continuance intention for mobile payments
  46. Mobile shoppers’ response to Covid-19 phobia, pessimism and smartphone addiction: Does social influence matter?
  47. Eco-friendly hotel stay and environmental attitude: A value-attitude-behaviour perspective
  48. High and Low Impulsive Buying in Social Commerce: A SPAR-4-SLR and fsQCA Approach
  49. Impact of energy efficiency-based ICT adoptions on prosumers and consumers
  50. The personalisation-privacy paradox: Consumer interaction with smart technologies and shopping mall loyalty
  51. Organizational Ambidexterity: A Review and Research Agenda
  52. Like it or not! Brand communication on social networking sites triggers consumer‐based brand equity
  53. Analyzing challenges for sustainable supply chain of electric vehicle batteries using a hybrid approach of Delphi and Best-Worst Method
  54. CB-SEM vs PLS-SEM methods for research in social sciences and technology forecasting
  55. Digital platforms for business-to-business markets: A systematic review and future research agenda
  56. Deciphering the impact of responsiveness on customer satisfaction, cross-buying behaviour, revisit intention and referral behaviour
  57. Segmenting the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers: Theoretical Approach
  58. Theory of Dogmatism, Personality Traits and Shopping Behavior
  59. Individual motivation and social media influence on student knowledge sharing and learning performance: Evidence from an emerging economy
  60. Guest editorial
  61. Impact of nation brand experience on nation brand loyalty, and positive WOM in a changing environment: the role of nation brand love
  62. Neuroentrepreneurship: an integrative review and research agenda
  63. Writing an impactful review article: What do we know and what do we need to know?
  64. Consumer ethics: A review and research agenda
  65. How do digital natives perceive and react toward online advertising? Implications for SMEs
  66. Consumers' choice behavior: An interactive effect of expected eudaimonic well‐being and green altruism
  67. Covid‐19 pandemic and consumer‐employee‐organization wellbeing: A dynamic capability theory approach
  68. Forty‐five years of International Journal of Consumer Studies: A bibliometric review and directions for future research
  69. Tell us your concern, and we shall together address! Role of service booking channels and brand equity on post-failure outcomes
  70. Intrinsic motivation of luxury consumers in an emerging market
  71. The creation and development of learning organizations: a review
  72. Scientific procedures and rationales for systematic literature reviews (SPAR‐4‐SLR)
  73. Use of microblogging platform for digital communication in politics
  74. Examining m-coupon redemption intention among consumers: A moderated moderated-mediation and conditional model
  75. Does social influence turn pessimistic consumers green?
  76. Introduction: the role and relevance of literature reviews and research in the Asia Pacific
  77. Three decades of export competitiveness literature: systematic review, synthesis and future research agenda
  78. An innovation resistance theory perspective on purchase of eco-friendly cosmetics
  79. The effect of assortment and fulfillment on shopping assistance and efficiency: An e-tail servicescape perspective
  80. The Effects of Context Congruence On Ad Persuasiveness in e-Magazines
  81. Strategic CSR‐brand fit and customers’ brand passion: Theoretical extension and analysis
  82. E-service quality and e-retailers: Attribute-based multi-dimensional scaling
  83. The soft skills gap: a bottleneck in the talent supply in emerging economies
  84. Innovation implementation in Asia-Pacific countries: a review and research agenda
  85. Non‐deceptive counterfeit purchase behavior of luxury fashion products
  86. Cybersecurity compliance in the workplace
  87. Reviving tourism industry post-COVID-19: A resilience-based framework
  88. Do brands make consumers happy?- A masstige theory perspective
  89. Five decades of research on foreign direct investment by MNEs: An overview and research agenda
  90. Hyper-personalization, co-creation, digital clienteling and transformation
  91. Marketing-to-Millennials: Marketing 4.0, customer satisfaction and purchase intention
  92. Rethinking the bottom of the pyramid: Towards a new marketing mix
  93. The potential of chatbots in travel and tourism services in the context of social distancing
  94. Trade credit research before and after the global financial crisis of 2008 – A bibliometric overview
  95. Factors impacting innovation performance for entrepreneurs in India
  96. The phenomenon of purchasing second-hand products by the BOP consumers
  97. Comparisons of entrepreneurial passion’s structure and its antecedents: latent profile analyses in China and South Korea
  98. New and novel business paradigms in and from China and India
  99. Antecedents of employee alienation and its impact on individual work performance during post-merger integration (PMI)
  100. Consumer response towards social media advertising: Effect of media interactivity, its conditions and the underlying mechanism
  101. Dispositional traits and organic food consumption
  102. Relative exploration and firm performance: Why resource-theory alone is not sufficient?
  103. The art of writing literature review: What do we know and what do we need to know?
  104. The determinants and performance of early internationalizing firms: A literature review and research agenda
  105. SME Internationalisation: The Relationship Between Social Capital and Entry Mode
  106. A retrospective of the Journal of Strategic Marketing from 1993 to 2019 using bibliometric analysis
  107. Resolving complaints online: development and validation of customers’ perceived webcare scale
  108. Relating the role of green self‐concepts and identity on green purchasing behaviour: An empirical analysis
  109. Internationalization barriers of SMEs from developing countries: a review and research agenda
  110. The consumer behavior of luxury goods: a review and research agenda
  111. Experience and attitude towards luxury brands consumption in an emerging market
  112. Immigrant entrepreneurship: A review and research agenda
  113. Retailing and consumer services at a tipping point: New conceptual frameworks and theoretical models
  114. Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda
  115. SCOPE framework for SMEs: A new theoretical lens for success and internationalization
  116. Internationalization challenges for SMEs: evidence and theoretical extension
  117. Determinants of mobile apps adoption among young adults: theoretical extension and analysis
  118. Celebrity endorsement and brand passion among air travelers: Theory and evidence
  119. Health motive and the purchase of organic food: A meta‐analytic review
  120. Digital Transformation in Business and Society
  121. Does digital footprint act as a digital asset? – Enhancing brand experience through remarketing
  122. Gradual Internationalization vs Born-Global/International new venture models
  123. Online second-hand shopping motivation – Conceptualization, scale development, and validation
  124. Upgrading without formal integration in M&A: The role of social integration
  125. ‘Masstige’ marketing: A review, synthesis and research agenda
  126. Marketing in emerging markets: a review, theoretical synthesis and extension
  127. Two decades of research on nation branding: a review and future research agenda
  128. Institutional determinants of foreign direct investment inflows: evidence from emerging markets
  129. Environmental consciousness and recycling intentions on green purchase behavior
  130. Masstige model and measure for brand management
  131. SMEs and entrepreneurship in the era of globalization: advances and theoretical approaches
  132. Does organizational structure facilitate inbound and outbound open innovation in SMEs?
  133. The role of self-determination theory in marketing science: An integrative review and agenda for research
  134. Toward a 7-P Framework for Internationalization
  135. Knowledge transfer and innovation through university-industry partnership: an integrated theoretical view
  136. Mass prestige value and competition between American versus Asian laptop brands in an emerging market—Theory and evidence
  137. A new conceptual model for international franchising
  139. Impact of individual market orientation on selling and customer orientation
  140. International franchising: A literature review and research agenda
  141. I propound Masstige Theory in this article.
  142. Service failure and problems: Internal marketing solutions for facing the future
  143. Service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty in hospitals: Thinking for the future
  144. Toward a 'masstige' theory and strategy for marketing
  145. From the Guest Editor
  147. Foreign Market Entry Mode Research: A Review and Research Agenda
  148. Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food: A review and research agenda
  149. A review of research on outward foreign direct investment from emerging countries, including China: what do we know, how do we know and where should we be heading?
  150. Entrepreneurial intentions—theory and evidence from Asia, America, and Europe
  151. The 45 years of foreign direct investment research: Approaches, advances and analytical areas
  152. What determine shoppers’ preferences for malls in an emerging market?
  153. Exporting challenges of SMEs: A review and future research agenda
  154. Pro-environmental behavior and socio-demographic factors in an emerging market
  155. Technical Efficiency for Strategic Change and Global Competitiveness
  156. Do young managers in a developing country have stronger entrepreneurial intentions? Theory and debate
  157. The Internationalization of Asian Firms: An Overview and Research Agenda
  158. Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in private and public sector banks
  159. Exports and outward FDI: are they complements or substitutes? Evidence from Asia
  160. The Rise of China: What, When, Where, and Why?
  161. Customer satisfaction in Retail Stores
  162. Strategic and financial similarities of bank mergers
  163. Predicting green product consumption using theory of planned behavior and reasoned action
  164. The Emergence of China and India in the Global Market
  165. Effect of Internal Marketing on Hotels: Empirical Evidence for Internal Customers
  166. Market access and the mirage of marketing to the maximum: new measures
  167. Comparing entrepreneurial communities
  168. Masstige marketing redefined and mapped
  169. Does the WTO Increase Trade and Cause Convergence?
  170. Process and intensity of internationalization of IT firms – Evidence from India
  171. Determinants of attitude of teachers – factor analysis and strategies for success
  172. Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food
  173. Japanese acquisition in India's Ranbaxy
  174. Enhancing customer base and productivity through e-delivery channels study of banks in India
  175. Strategic Planning at Brisbane Airport
  176. International Migration and its Impact: Some Perspectives
  177. Biotechnology -- The New Age 'Global' Industry
  178. Masstige Mean Score Scale
  179. Masstige Marketing Redefined and Mapped: Introducing a Pyramid Model and an MMS Measure
  180. Impact of Global Recession on Developed and Bric Countries
  181. Consumer Behavior and Purchase Intention of Organic Food