All Stories

  1. Exploring the interplay of enjoyment and practicality’s dimensions: youths’ purchase intention in augmented reality shopping platforms
  2. Does artificial intelligence improve hospitality employees’ individual competitive productivity? A time-lagged moderated-mediation model involving job crafting and meaningful work
  3. Cognitive and affective appraisal of online impulse buying: a multi-mediation approach
  4. Click to contribute: understanding donation behaviour and well-being in donation-based crowdfunding mobile apps
  5. Is face and information availability important in green purchasing among young consumers?
  6. Managing my own health! An ancillary outlook on pharmaceutical and health supplements consumption
  7. Is ‘she’ more impulsive (to pleasure) than ‘him’ during livestream e-commerce shopping?
  8. Unlocking sustainable resource management: A comprehensive SWOT and thematic analysis of FinTech with a focus on mineral management
  9. Can you resist the virtual temptations? Unveiling impulsive buying in metaverse retail
  10. Big data analytics capability in building supply chain resilience: the moderating effect of innovation-focused complementary assets
  11. How does globally responsible leadership promotes pro-environmental behavior through green management initiatives?
  12. Guest editorial: The dark side of FinTech: unintended consequences and ethical consideration of FinTech adoption
  13. Modelling organ donation information adoption among Malaysian youth using the information adoption model (IAM)
  14. Marketing micro-credentials: understanding learners' engagement and willingness to pay more
  15. The adoption of metaverse in the retail industry and its impact on sustainable competitive advantage: moderating impact of sustainability commitment
  16. Banking in the metaverse: a new frontier for financial institutions
  17. Development Trends of Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship and Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis
  18. The intangible values of live streaming and their effect on audience engagement
  19. Exploring the usage intention of AI-powered devices in smart homes among millennials and zillennials: the moderating role of trust
  20. The effect of social media exposure, environmental concern and consumer habits in green consumption intention
  21. Social media marketing in the digital age: empower consumers to win big?
  22. Virtual reality in tourism: adoption scepticism and resistance
  23. Metaverse in marketing and logistics: the state of the art and the path forward
  25. Unlocking the secrets of Miri country music festival in Malaysia: a moderated-mediation model examining the power of FOMO, flow and festival satisfaction in driving revisiting intentions
  26. What Makes Social Work Meaningful? Evidence for a Curvilinear Relationship of Meaningful Work on Work Engagement with Psychological Capital as the Moderator
  27. Understanding consumers’ resistance to pay with cryptocurrency in the sharing economy: A hybrid SEM-fsQCA approach
  28. Counteracting the Impact of Online Fake News on Brands
  29. Shaping the Metaverse into Reality: A Holistic Multidisciplinary Understanding of Opportunities, Challenges, and Avenues for Future Investigation
  30. Can travel apps improve tourists’ intentions? Investigating the drivers of Chinese gen Y users’ experience
  31. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency in Finance: Current Scenario and Future Direction
  32. Does Electronic Word-of-Mouth Still Contribute to Boosting Purchase Intention? Understanding the Role of Gender as a Moderator
  33. The Impact of Organ Donation Information Dissemination on Social Media Towards Registration of Organ Donors: A Moderating Role of Family Discussion
  34. The Influence of FinTech on Financial Sector and Economic Growth: An Analysis of Recent Literature
  35. Deep Dive into the Augmented Reality Customer Experience and Adoption Research: A Bibliometric Study
  36. Government Digital Transformation: Understanding the Role of Government Social Media
  37. How Does User-Generated Content Affect Users’ Obsessive Use of Lifestyle-Sharing Mobile Social Networking Site?
  38. Log Out or Stay Connected? Unveiling the Intention for Continuous Use in the Metaverse
  39. The Impact of Environmental Factors on Social Selling Intention via Virtual Reality Technology and Social Selling Performance: The Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy
  40. Understanding the Effects of Social Media Advertising on Purchase Intention Through Metaverse
  41. Unveiling the Influence of Social Technologies on Online Social Shopping in Malaysia
  42. Exploring the Technology Acceptance of Wearable Medical Devices Among the Younger Generation in Malaysia: The Role of Cognitive and Social Factors
  43. Research on Continued Intention to Adopt E-Learning in Beijing University During Covid-19 Epidemic in China
  44. Upskilling Educators for Pandemic Teaching: Using Video Technology in Higher Education
  45. What People Post During the Movement Control Order (MCO): A Content Analysis of Intagram’s Top Posts
  46. ZOOM-ing into a New Pedagogy: Permanent Adoption of Online Teaching and Learning in Private Higher Education Institution in Malaysia
  47. Adapt or die: a competitive digital supply chain quality management strategy
  48. Digitalization adoption for digital economy: an examination of Malaysian small medium-sized enterprises through the technology–organization–environment framework
  49. Determinants of the Sustainability of Tech Startup: Comparison Between Malaysia and China
  50. Examining Intentions to Use Mobile Check-In for Airlines Services: A View from East Malaysia Consumers
  51. Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: A View of Undergraduate Student Perspective in Malaysia
  52. Say Aye to AI: Customer Acceptance and Intention to Use Service Robots in the Hospitality Industry
  53. Social Media Co-creation Activities Among Elderly Consumers: An Innovation Resistance Perspective
  54. Spreading Faster Than the Virus: Social Media in Spreading Panic Among Young Adults in Malaysia
  55. The Eureka moment in understanding luxury brand purchases! A non-linear fsQCA-ANN approach
  56. Understanding Valences in Mobile Grocery Shopping: Do Consumers’ Characteristics Matter?
  57. Alexa, what's on my shopping list? Transforming customer experience with digital voice assistants
  58. Dataset of vaccination and confidence in the Malaysian government during Covid-19 pandemic
  59. Digitalization and its impact on contemporary marketing strategies and practices
  60. Should I buy or not? Revisiting the concept and measurement of panic buying
  61. Go digital: can the money-gift function promote the use of e-wallet apps?
  62. The role of perceived employability in the relationship between protean career attitude and career success
  63. Service-driven Advocacy: From Tourists’ Felicity to Preeminent Destination Loyalty
  64. What is Stopping You from Using Mobile Payment? A PLS-SEM Approach
  65. I Am too old for this! Barriers contributing to the non-adoption of mobile payment
  66. The Soft Side of Technology Adoption: A Study of Customer Experience on Mobile Phone Usage
  67. Will destination image drive the intention to revisit and recommend? Empirical evidence from golf tourism
  68. Individual motivation and social media influence on student knowledge sharing and learning performance: Evidence from an emerging economy
  70. Marketing and social influences, hospital branding, and medical tourists' behavioural intention: Before‐ and after‐service consumption perspective
  71. The Role of Cultural Differences in Customer Retention: Evidence from the High-Contact Service Industry
  72. Building Sustainable Relationships: Service Innovation at the Pinnacle of Touristic Achievement
  73. Advancing on weighted PLS-SEM in examining the trust-based recommendation system in pioneering product promotion effectiveness
  75. Cruising down millennials’ fashion runway: a cross-functional study beyond Pacific borders
  76. CB-SEM Latent Interaction: Unconstrained and Orthogonalized Approaches
  77. Demystifying the role of causal-predictive modeling using partial least squares structural equation modeling in information systems research
  78. Sample Size for Survey Research: Review and Recommendations
  79. Brand image as the competitive edge for hospitals in medical tourism
  80. Social Media Effectiveness Indicators of Microenterprise Strategic Planning
  81. Medical Tourism Destination Image and its Relationship with the Intention to Revisit: A Study of Chinese Medical Tourists in Malaysia
  82. Compulsive buying of branded apparel, its antecedents, and the mediating role of brand attachment
  83. Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the Mediating Effect of Organization Commitment in the Hotel Industry
  84. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
  85. I see, and I hunt
  86. The effect of selfie promotion and celebrity endorsed advertisement on decision-making processes
  87. Service innovation: building a sustainable competitive advantage in higher education
  89. Future Technical Professionals Interrelationship on Personality, Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention
  90. A comparison of five reflective–formative estimation approaches: reconsideration and recommendations for tourism research
  91. Preliminary Study on Consumer Attitude towards FinTech Products and Services in Malaysia
  92. The Role of Destination Image in Malaysia’s Medical Tourism Industry
  93. The interrelationship personality, self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention among future technical professionals
  94. Factors influencing clothing interest and purchase intention: a study of Generation Y consumers in Malaysia
  95. Antecedents of hospital brand image and the relationships with medical tourists’ behavioral intention
  96. Determinants of knowledge management systems success in the banking industry
  97. A profile of the Internet shoppers: Evidence from nine countries
  98. The Associations Between Service Quality, Corporate Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty: Evidence From the Malaysian Hotel Industry
  99. Service quality, image and loyalty towards Malaysian hotels