What is it about?
The article aims to understand the role played by the main political groups in Spain in promoting disinformation content on Twitter. The study applies statistical and topic analysis to the total number of tweets published in Spanish (n = 40,445 tweets), between September (2019) and February (2020), by the official accounts of the parties, leaders and spokespersons of each of the main political groups in Spain (PSOE, Popular Party, Unidas Podemos, Vox and Ciudadanos); and the disinformation content identified, between August 2019 and March 2020, by two of the main Fact-Checking journalistic projects (n = 2,730 disinformation content) in Spain (Maldita.es and Newtral.es).
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Why is it important?
The data allows us to see how the political groups analyzed present a high level of co-occurrence with the disinformation content identified by Maldita.es and Newtral.es, which would confirm the active role of these actors in expanding this type of content on Twitter.

The results and discussions allow us to observe a context of digital mobilization that justifies developing new research to help delve into the truly organic (spontaneous) character in contexts such as those experienced in Colombia in 2021. The implications of the above would require advancing in studies that allow, for example, to identify and estimate the implementation of potential strategies such as CyberTurfing, raised by authors such as Leiser (2016), in favour of the dissemination, positioning, and weight of messages with negative sentimental charge, such as the one studied here.
Prof. Elias Said-Hung
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Polarización sentimental en Twitter durante el Paro Nacional de 2021 en Colombia, January 2023, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
DOI: 10.7764/cdi.55.50483.
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