

What is it about?

The paper offers a close reading and suggested improvements on Kobus Marais's 2014 book Translation Theory and Development Studies: A Complexity Theory Approach, organized primarily around the tension between the antibinary thought that he develops out of complexity theory and the overwhelming binary he pushes between the RIGHT way (his own) and the WRONG way (everybody else's).

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Why is it important?

Marais has some important innovations to offer, and they tend to get clogged up in his polemicizing. This is an attempt to free the clogs and let his innovations flow more freely.


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This paper follows a pattern that I find developing in much of my academic writing, where frustration with someone else's argumentation irritates me, but there's something incredibly valuable buried in the midst of the rubble; so I want to suggest correctives that will at once participate in the project and advance it.

Professor Douglas J. Robinson
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Translation as icosis as negentropy at the edge of chaos, STRIDON Studies in Translation and Interpreting, June 2022, University of Ljubljana,
DOI: 10.4312/stridon.2.1.97-128.
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