

What is it about?

Carme Riera follows the Campus Detective Novel mode to provide the reader with a skeptical portrait of university students, professors, and the police force. Casting contemporary events in an incriminating light, Riera depicts women's achievements and limitations in the work force, of the crossroads where their personal and their professional lives meet. Working as a team, the female protagonists gain their male counterparts respect and achieve their own professional authority, but not by imposing power, though. They reject absolutes and embrace social justice, equality, tolerance and the potential of education as an essential game changer for society. The author, like Braidotti, embraces sexual difference as a positive force and rejects monolithic truths, especially those which pose a threat to gender parity. Riera, like Bell Hooks, promotes education as the foundation for a more equal, tolerant and ethically compromised society. This also entails recognizing one's experience and professional merits, like Lorber demands, and a more tolerant and ethical approach, following Spires or Hooks.

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Why is it important?

Natura presents a very humane “police procedural” mode in which female team work, both in the University and in the police force, will be key. It provides us with a woman-centered inquiry, considering the possibility of the existence of a female culture within the general culture shared by men and women, of women´s restrictions and inequalities in the job force.


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I hope people may reconsider the role of education, hard-work and geneder issues

Dr Emilio L Ramon
Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Una mirada femenina sobre la equidad y la educación en un police procedural de campus: Naturaleza casi muerta de Carme Riera, Estudios filológicos, June 2017, SciELO Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica Y Tecnologica (CONICYT),
DOI: 10.4067/s0071-17132017000100008.
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