All Stories

  1. How cinema, music and media become an esential part of novels
  2. Rosa Montero tributes Philip Dick´s Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
  3. .A comparison between 2 Spanish historical novels and the Newgate Calendars and fiction
  4. Do American and British crime fiction have something in common with Spanish one?
  5. Barceló’s works warn us about the dangers of not working together as a species.
  6. colapso de las narrativas identitarias en Eva (2017) de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
  7. Combining Criminal Fiction, Child Maltreatment, PTSD, Voodoo, Feminism, Gothic, & the Metaphysical
  8. Las influencias internacionales de las novelas de espías en Pérez-Reverte
  9. “El rey recibe: Intertextualidad y Percepción de la Historia Reciente”
  10. police procedures and mythology go hand in hand in this exciting thriller
  11. Pérez-Reverte takes on Cervantes´s most famous short story in a unsettling contemporay setting
  12. Los perros duros no bailan. Much more than an easy reading and a tribute to Cervantes
  13. Most Pérez-Reverte´s male characters are minor compared to female ones
  14. A twenty-first century historical novel with a nineteenth-century flavor.
  15. Tu rostro con la marea: una tragedia con máscaras pero sin héroe
  16. Naturaleza casi muerta: Una novela negra de campus en clave pictórica y filosófica
  17. King Leonor of Castile, much more powerful than previously thought
  18. Female University professors and Detectives provide new venues in the detective novel genre.
  19. An imagined global community of graffitti painters is threatened by their leader´s darkes secret
  20. Empowering the Others through education in Por el Cielo y Mas Alla, by Carme Riera
  21. Even those who may seem weak and helpless can make a difference thanks to education
  22. El Código vital detrás de los espejos en “Con tal de no morir” de Vicente Molina Foix
  23. Barcelona, a city described by many authors as the place for crimes, corruption and detective work
  24. Tipologia do livro (Typology of book) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2237-8871.2014v15n23p208
  25. Appearances are deceiving, especially in times of Civil War
  26. Much more than a fairy tale Queen
  27. “El rey recibe: Intertextualidad y Percepción de la Historia Reciente”