

What is it about?

How will work be organized in the future? This paper challenges and explodes many popular myths that constrain how we envisage the future of work. Grounded in a geographically global focus, it provides not only a critical overview of the array of competing visions but also a radical rethink of the direction of change.

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Why is it important?

The result is to transcend the conventional dominant narratives about the trajectory of work and to open up the future of work to alternative regimes of representation and practice in order to imagine and enact other futures for work beyond formalization, commodification and globalization.


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Opens up the possibility of alternative futures for work beyond those perceived as natural and inevitable

Professor Colin C Williams
University of Sheffield

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Re-reading the future of work, Theory in Action, July 2009, Theory in Action,
DOI: 10.3798/tia.1937-0237.09016.
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