

What is it about?

This article challenges the way we think about craftspeople in the early medieval world, particularly the fact that we argue about whether they were ‘sedentary’ or ‘itinerant’. The article reframes this debate as a a continuum, and challenges us to think more carefully about the realities of life for the artisans of the past.

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Why is it important?

The article attempts to move discussions of early-medieval craft in a new, more nuanced direction.


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It's important to think in detail about the ways in which craftspeople may have lived, worked and moved. The terms 'itinerant' and 'sedentary' do not in themselves offer any explanation.

Dr Steven P Ashby
University of York

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: ‘With staff in hand, and dog at heel’?, February 2015, JSTOR,
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvh1dtfs.6.
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