All Stories

  1. Small Finds, Big Questions: Two Decades of Research on Combs in Viking-Age Scotland
  2. Vikings in Suffolk! A non-metal object found by a metal-detectorist
  3. New Evidence for Early Viking Contact between Hedeby and the Scandinavian North
  4. Late Iron Age Whaling in Scandinavia
  5. Food and cooking in Icelandic sagas and law
  6. A History of Combmaking
  7. Between domestic circles and urban networks
  8. Crafting the urban network
  9. Collaboration and expert knowledge
  10. Constructing specialism
  11. The combs from the grave that may have launched the Viking Age!
  12. Combs from a Viking-Age settlement at Skaill Bay, Orkney (Northern Scotland)
  13. Dielectric replica measurement: a new technique for obtaining the complex permittivity of irregularly shaped objects
  14. Book Review: Viking-Age transformations: Trade, craft and resources in Western Scandinavia
  15. Different Strokes: Judicial Violence in Viking-Age England and Scandinavia
  16. Book Reviews
  17. Book Review: Approaches to medieval artefacts
  18. Archaeologies of Hair
  19. Archaeologies of Hair: the head and its grooming in ancient and contemporary societies
  20. Grooming the Face in the Early Middle Ages
  21. Loot, reputation and why Vikings went raiding
  22. Studying the movement of Viking-Age craftspeople
  23. Urban Networks and Arctic Outlands
  24. Peer Comment
  25. Early Medieval Themes and Imagery in Metal Music
  26. Searching for Scandinavians in pre-Viking Scotland: molecular fingerprinting of Early Medieval combs
  27. Technologies of Appearance: Hair Behaviour in Early Medieval Europe
  28. How easy is it to identify fragments of deer antler to species level?
  29. Why did people make combs differently in different times and places?
  30. Burdale: An Anglian Settlement in the Yorkshire Wolds (Data Paper)
  31. Cottam, Cowlam and Environs: An Anglo-Saxon Estate on The Yorkshire Wolds
  32. A Study in Regionality: Hair Combs and Bone/Antler Craft in North-east England c. AD 800–1100
  33. A guide to identifying medieval combs
  34. Combs, Contact and Chronology: Reconsidering Hair Combs in Early-Historic and Viking-Age Atlantic Scotland