

What is it about?

This article reflects on a series of controlled investigations and blind tests, looking at the variation in internal structure and other characteristics of antler, along the length of a single antler, between individuals, between species, and between sexes (in reindeer), as well as considering the impact of seasonality, diet, pathology and further confounds.

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Why is it important?

This is the first detailed consideration of the problems and potentials of identifying small pieces of antler by eye, a task that has great interpretative potential if done correctly, but is often undertaken without critical reflection.


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Since this article was undertaken, biomolecular methods such as ZooMS have become more and more accessible. But simple macroscopic identification- where possible - remains an invaluable skill.

Dr Steven P Ashby
University of York

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Some Comments on the Identification of Cervid Species in Worked Antler, December 2013, JSTOR,
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvh1dgv3.25.
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