

What is it about?

While Ukraine was bestowed market economy status by the European Union in 2005 its labour market still endures many structural problems. By exploring the experiences of young graduate employees this article highlights the difficultly in obtaining work within Ukraine’s labour market and the problems they face once they have secured employment. Rather than seeing the development of a trans- parent labour market the collapse of the command economy has seen a relatively closed system develop.

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Why is it important?

The ar ticle demonstrates how many jobs are secured through the use of connections or the demanding, and payment, of bribes.The sit- uation does not improve once graduates obtain long-term employment. Inter viewees discuss the lack of job security, the informal payment of wages and the lack of legal protection from corrupt employer practices. The ar ticle has broader resonance outside of the Ukrainian case study as the discussion of work- place corruption highlights how the issue is concerned with much more than simply cash based transactions and how those that endure it are likely to turn to the informal economy for employment.


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Evaluates corruption in gaining access to graduate employment in post-Soviet Ukraine.

Professor Colin C Williams
University of Sheffield

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Corruption in the post-Soviet workplace: the experiences of recent graduates in contemporary Ukraine, Work Employment and Society, March 2008, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0950017007087421.
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