What is it about?
SF has proven to be the perfect genre to unmask the conventions and arbitrariness of ideas, stereotypes and preconceptions about the privileged subject of the Enlightenment humanism and its emphasis on human supremacy and progress. The aim of this work is to explore some of Elia Barceló´s works in light of the works of Rossi Braidotti, Nisbet, Butler, Haraway, Hayles, hooks, MacKinnon, Lorber, Spivak, Althousser, Hegel, Deleuze y Guattari. The result is a redefinition of some normative concepts whilst a warning about the possible dangers that could come out of progress if we don´t work together as a species.
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Why is it important?
Barceló’s works unmask the arbitrariness of ideas about the concept of progress & warn us about the dangers of not working together as a species. However, eventhough she´s regarding as one of the best SF writers in Spanish language, shé hardly known to the British and American people.

SF scholars and fans in general are welcome to explore the works of one of the best SF writers in Spanish of all times
Dr Emilio L Ramon
Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Sagrada y Consecuencias naturales: género, posthumanismo y ¿progreso? en Elia Barceló, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, February 2023, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/14753820.2023.2172250.
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