

What is it about?

This paper evaluates critically the implications and legitimacy of the current UK government policy towards nurturing community involvement that seeks to encourage participation in community-based groups (formal community involvement) and neglects the cultivation of one-to-one acts of good neighbourliness (informal community involvement).

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Why is it important?

Analysing data from the 2000 General Household Survey (GHS), this policy approach is shown to not only privilege the cultures of community participation of regions such as London and the South East as well as affluent wards but also to seek to impose it on northern regions and deprived wards that possess different cultures of community engagement.


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This paper highlights the regional and local variations in the nature of community participation

Professor Colin C Williams
University of Sheffield

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Developing Community Involvement: Contrasting Local and Regional Participatory Cultures in Britain and their Implications for Policy, Regional Studies, July 2003, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/0034340032000089086.
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