Neurochemical, Electrophysiological and Pharmacological Profiles of the Selective Inhibitor of the Glycine Transporter-1 SSR504734, a Potential New Type of Antipsychotic
Ronan Depoortère, Gihad Dargazanli, Genevieve Estenne-Bouhtou, Annick Coste, Christophe Lanneau, Christophe Desvignes, Martine Poncelet, Michel Heaulme, Vincent Santucci, Michel Decobert, Annie Cudennec, Carolle Voltz, Denis Boulay, Jean Paul Terranova, Jeanne Stemmelin, Pierre Roger, Benoit Marabout, Mireille Sevrin, Xavier Vigé, Bruno Biton, Régis Steinberg, Dominique Françon, Richard Alonso, Patrick Avenet, Florence Oury-Donat, Ghislaine Perrault, Guy Griebel, Pascal George, Philippe Soubrié, Bernard Scatton
Neuropsychopharmacology, June 2005, Nature
DOI: 10.1038/sj.npp.1300772