What is it about?
Earthly transhumanists envision a Singularity, after which the human brain/mind will be uploaded into the computer cloud for bodiless perpetual existence. If this projection constitutes inevitable technological progress, then we could speculate that a more advanced ETI would have already escaped its biological substrate and become machine intelligence. SETI and METI searchers should not be surprised to meet machine intelligence on an exoplanet.
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Why is it important?
ETI sleuths must work with a conceptual image of what we might find on exoplanets. Frequently, SETI researchers assume a progressive doctrine of evolution which hypothesizes that life on exoplanets will have evolved like life on Earth; and, if this evolution has occurred for a longer time, then ETI will be more advanced than Earthlings. Might that evolutionary advance include post-biological intelligence?
Ted Peters is co-editor of the journal, THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE, at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in Berkeley, California, USA. He is author of SCIENCE, THEOLOGY, AND ETHICS (Ashgate) and similar publications analyzing frontier research in genomics, stem cells, evolution, Big History, and Transhumanism. Web Site: TedsTimelyTake.com.
Prof Ted F Peters
Graduate Theological Union
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Outer space and cyber space: meeting ET in the cloud, International Journal of Astrobiology, August 2016, Cambridge University Press,
DOI: 10.1017/s1473550416000318.
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