About my research

Recently I've placed my research within the category of Public Systematic Theology. I think of public theology as originally conceived within the church, critically honed in the academy, and offered to the wider culture for the sake of the common good. Oh, yes, I'm still quite concerned about doctrine. But I treat numerous topics that cross boundaries such as theology 'n' natural science, religion in politics, extraterrestrial intelligence in culture, and ecological ethics. That's my scholarship. I also treat such matters through fiction. I'm preparing a series of espionage thrillers. The protagonist is a woman pastor -- named Leona Foxx -- who is also an astrobiologist and a covert spy. These novels include science, religion, and good ol' fashioned violence.

All Stories

  1. Article
    The exchange of divine and human attributes
    Prof Ted F Peters
  2. Article
    Do You Trust Science?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  3. Article
    Scientists as well as theologians are ready to look at the UFO phenomenon.
    Prof Ted F Peters
  4. Article
    Public Theology Facing a Planet in Turmoil
    Prof Ted F Peters
  5. Article
    Astrobiology: The Almost Religious Science
    Prof Ted F Peters
  6. Article
    When did our ancesters evolve to the point of religious consciousness?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  7. Article
    God's grace is cosmic in scope
    Prof Ted F Peters
  8. Article
    Theologians should embrace science yet eschew scientism
    Prof Ted F Peters
  9. Article
    Warning: watch out for the replacement factor in the US election
    Prof Ted F Peters
  10. Article
    “The Struggle for Cognitive Liberty: Retrofitting the Self in Activist Theology,”
    Prof Ted F Peters
  11. Article
    Should we genetically alter the DNA of astronauts heading for Mars?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  12. Article
    Artificial Intelligence versus Agape Love
    Prof Ted F Peters
  13. Article
    Allies in the Struggle Against the Post-Truth Swarm
    Prof Ted F Peters
  14. Article
    Transhumanist Enthusiasm versus Theological Realism
    Prof Ted F Peters
  15. Article
    Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and Frankenfear
    Prof Ted F Peters
  16. Article
    Our Common Cosmos: An Exercise in Astrotheology
    Prof Ted F Peters
  17. Article
    The Problem of Theodicy within Theistic Evolution
    Prof Ted F Peters
  18. Article
    Covenant, Blood, and Violence: America at War with Itself and Others
    Prof Ted F Peters
  19. Article
    Astrotheology: Science and Theology Meet ET
    Prof Ted F Peters
  20. Article
    What is Public Theology?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  21. Article
    Microbial Life off Earth: instrumental or intrinsic value?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  22. Article
    Ten different ways of relating science to religion: what are they?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  23. Article
    Analysis of Ted Peters "God--the World's Future" by Paul Hinlicky.
    Prof Ted F Peters
  24. Article
    Theologians Get No Respect!
    Prof Ted F Peters
  25. Article
    Remembering Ian G. Barbour's book, "Issues in Science and Religion."
    Prof Ted F Peters
  26. Article
    Should CRISPR Scientists Play God?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  27. Article
    Outer Space and Cyber Space: Meeting ET in the Cloud
    Prof Ted F Peters
  28. Article
    God--The World's Future
    Prof Ted F Peters
  29. Article
    Seminary Students Should Study Science
    Prof Ted F Peters
  30. Article
    Sin Boldly!
    Prof Ted F Peters
  31. Article
    The Boundaries of Human Nature
    Prof Ted F Peters
  32. Article
    Theological Reflections on Space Exploration
    Prof Ted F Peters
  33. Article
    Deep Incarnation andKenosis: In, With, Under, and As: A Response to Ted Peters
    Prof Ted F Peters
  34. Article
    Different religions and different theological systems model the divine differently
    Prof Ted F Peters
  35. Article
    Is the Human Genome Sacred?
    Prof Ted F Peters
  36. Article
    Contributions from Practical Theology and Ethics
    Prof Ted F Peters
  37. Article
    A Parish Pastor Responds To Ted Peters
    Prof Ted F Peters
  38. Article
    On Atheism: A Response to Ted Peters
    Prof Ted F Peters
  39. Article
    On Pluralism: In Response to Ted Peters
    Prof Ted F Peters
  40. Article
    On Parish Theologizing in Response to Ted Peters
    Prof Ted F Peters
  41. Article
    Models of God
    Prof Ted F Peters
  42. Article
    Naturwissenschaft und Religion. Ein wachsender Forschungsbereich
    Prof Ted F Peters
  43. Article
    Prof Ted F Peters
  44. Article
    Protestantism and the Sciences
    Prof Ted F Peters
  45. Article
    The Problem of Suffering in Theistic Evolution
    Prof Ted F Peters
  46. Article
    Where There's Life, There's Intelligence! All Life is Intelligent.
    Prof Ted F Peters
  47. Article
    "Sin Boldly" means to make the best judgment in a morally ambiguous situation.
    Prof Ted F Peters