Involvement of nuclear factor κB and descending pain pathways in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of β-citronellol, a food ingredient, complexed in β-cyclodextrin in a model of complex regional pain syndrome - Type 1
Priscila L. Santos, Thallita K. Rabelo, João P.S. C.F. Matos, Klécia S. Anjos, Marlange A.O. Melo, Yasmim M.B.G. Carvalho, Bruno S. Lima, Paula P. Menezes, Adriano A.S. Araújo, Laurent Picot, Jackson R.G.S. Almeida, Renan G. Brito, Lucindo J. Quintans-Júnior
Food and Chemical Toxicology, July 2021, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2021.112260