All Stories

  1. Polymethoxyflavones from Gardenia oudiepe and semi-synthetic derivatives reduce nociception in mice: Evidence for the involvement of the MAPK pathway
  2. Network analysis of socioeconomic disparities and public transport in COVID-19 spread: a case study in northeast Brazil
  3. Eplingiella fruticosa leaf essential oil complexed with β-cyclodextrin exerts a neuroprotective effect in an Alzheimer’s disease animal model induced by Streptozotocin
  4. Enhancing orofacial pain relief: α-phellandrene complexed with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin mitigates orofacial nociception in rodents
  5. Oops! ... They did it again-The Reasons Behind so Many Retractions of Scientific Articles
  6. H. pectinata (L.) Poit - Traditional uses, phytochemistry and biological-pharmacological activities in preclinical studies: A systematic review
  7. Antihyperalgesic effect of γ-terpinene complexed in β-cyclodextrin on neuropathic pain model induced by tumor cells
  8. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Between Saturn and Cronus
  9. Management of Pain and Inflammation Through Natural Products in Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review
  10. Incidence of drug-related adverse events related to the use of high-alert drugs: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
  11. Brazil’s postgraduate funding model is about rectifying past inequalities
  12. The protective effects of naringenin, a citrus flavonoid, non-complexed or complexed with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin against multiorgan damage caused by neonatal endotoxemia
  13. Evaluation of the inhibitory effect of isopulegol (ISO) and its β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex (ISO/β-CD) on the reversal of Staphylococcus aureus efflux pump activity
  14. Catastrophic Floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: The Need for Public Health Responses to Potential Infectious Disease Outbreaks
  15. A Review of Phototoxic Plants, Their Phototoxic Metabolites, and Possible Developments as Photosensitizers
  16. Screening of the action mechanisms involved in the antinociceptive effect of isopulegol and its complex in cyclodextrin using acute nociception models in mice
  17. Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes improving antibacterial drug profiles: an update systematic review
  18. Impact of an antimicrobial stewardship program in a medium-sized hospital
  19. Evaluation of the antiedematogenic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ximenia americana L. (Olacaceae) bark extract in experimental models of inflammation
  20. Evaluation of serum levels of soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 in patients with vitiligo using Luminex-based assay
  21. Antinociceptive Effect of a p-Cymene/β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex in a Murine Cancer Pain Model: Characterization Aided through a Docking Study
  22. Multitargeted molecular docking and dynamics simulation studies of flavonoids and volatile components from the peel of Citrus sinensis L. (Osbeck) against specific tumor protein markers
  23. Cyclodextrins Inclusion Complexes Improving Antibacterial Drug Profiles: An Update Systematic Review
  24. Identifying health outcomes of pharmaceutical clinical services in patients with cancer: A systematic review
  25. Health functions and related molecular mechanisms of Miconia genus: A systematic review
  26. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among urban cleaning and solid waste management workers during transmission of the Omicron variant in Brazil
  27. Análise empírica dos custos da judicialização e da ação Câmara de Resolução de Litígios de Saúde do Estado de Sergipe
  28. Caracterização da judicialização do acesso a medicamentos no estado de Sergipe
  29. Perfil das solicitações de judicialização da saúde no Estado de Sergipe
  30. Perfil dos requerentes que pleitearam produtos ou serviços de saúde por ações judiciais no Estado de Sergipe
  31. Avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos estudos sobre judicialização de medicamentos
  32. Avaliação do efeito dos cuidados farmacêuticos em um grupo de pacientes com Hepatite C
  33. ChatGPT: the new panacea of the academic world
  34. The Rising Significance of Soft Skills in Postgraduate Education: Nurturing Well-Rounded Professionals for the Modern World
  35. Cyclodextrin inclusion complex of a multi-component natural product by hot-melt extrusion
  36. Antiulcerogenic and healing activity of hecogenin acetate in rodents
  37. Letter to the Editor: Would Cannabidiol Be a Therapeutic Alternative to Treat Monkeypox Symptoms?
  38. Dihydroeugenol derivatives associated with blue LED light: A different form to face multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria
  39. Nitro compounds against trypanosomatidae parasites: Heroes or villains?
  40. Photobiological effect of eugenol‐derived 3‐benzoylcoumarin associated with led lights against MDR microorganisms
  41. Global online public interest in monkeypox compared with COVID-19: Google trends in 2022
  42. Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Northeast region of Brazil
  43. Association between chemosensory dysfunctions and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  44. Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effect of Hyptis martiusii BENTH leaves essential oil
  45. In vivo and in silico anti-inflammatory properties of the sesquiterpene valencene
  46. Antiulcerogenic and Healing Activity of Hecogenin Acetate in Rodents
  47. Archaea Carotenoids: Natural Pigments with Unexplored Innovative Potential
  48. Inside Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
  49. γ-Terpinene complexed with β-cyclodextrin attenuates spinal neuroactivity in animals with cancer pain by Ca2+ channel block
  50. Nanophytomedicine
  51. The Modulation of IL-6 Levels by Natural Products in Arthritis-Like Animal Models
  52. Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus Efflux Pump by O-Eugenol and Its Toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster Animal Model
  53. Cyclodextrin inclusion complex of a multi-component natural product by hot-melt extrusion
  54. Lippia grata essential oil complexed with β-cyclodextrin ameliorates biochemical and behavioral deficits in an animal model of progressive parkinsonism
  55. Pharmacological effects of a complex α-bisabolol/β-cyclodextrin in a mice arthritis model with involvement of IL-1β, IL-6 and MAPK
  56. Editorial: Gastrointestinal and Liver Effects of Fruits and Their Synergism With Drug Therapy: Exploring Possible Mechanisms of Action
  57. Hesperetin-Based Hydrogels Protect the Skin against UV Radiation-Induced Damage
  58. The role of vaccination in preventing deaths during the Omicron-driven tsunami in Brazil
  59. Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein is a body fluid biomarker: A valuable prognostic for neurological disease – A systematic review
  60. Natural products modulating interleukins and other inflammatory mediators in tumor-bearing animals: A systematic review
  61. Enhancement of the functionality of women with knee osteoarthritis by a gel formulation with Caryocar coriaceum Wittm (“Pequi”) nanoencapsulated pulp fixed oil
  62. Comparison between exercise therapy and non-hydrolyzed collagen (UC-II) in functionality and quality of life in women with knee osteoarthritis
  63. Efetividade da estabilização segmentar vertebral na dor lombar inespecífica / Effectiveness of vertebral segmental stabilization in nonspecific low back pain
  64. Knee Osteoarthritis: Kinesiophobia and Isometric Strength of Quadriceps in Women
  65. The effects of ethanolic extract of the leaves of Erythroxylum mucronatum (Benth.) (Erythroxylaceae) on strength and muscle performance of resistance trained rats
  66. Substâncias fitoquímicas para o controle do Aedes aegypti: protocolo de scoping review
  67. Preparation, physicochemical characterization, docking and antiarrhythmic effect of d-limonene and d-limonene hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin complex
  68. Dynamics of hospitalizations and in-hospital deaths from COVID-19 in Northeast Brazil: a retrospective analysis based on the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccination coverage
  69. Nanoencapsulated α-terpineol attenuates neuropathic pain induced by chemotherapy through calcium channel modulation
  70. Oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in patients with COVID-19: Potential role of RAGE, HMGB1, GFAP and COX-2 in disease severity
  71. Glycogen synthase kinase 3β inhibition and insulin-receptor binding enhancement of compounds isolated from wild leafy vegetable Acalypha alnifolia
  72. Anti-inflammatory and modulatory effects of steroidal saponins and sapogenins on cytokines: A review of pre-clinical research
  73. Bradykinin-target therapies in SARS-CoV-2 infection: current evidence and perspectives
  74. Nerolidol attenuates isoproterenol-induced acute myocardial infarction in rats
  75. Chrysin-Loaded Microemulsion: Formulation Design, Evaluation and Antihyperalgesic Activity in Mice
  76. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Hymenaea martiana Hayne (Fabaceae) in mice
  77. Dual quinoline-hybrid compounds with antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum parasites
  78. A (-)-Carvona Modula a Sinalização de Cálcio Intracelular com Ação Antiarrítmica em Corações de Ratos
  79. Evaluation of Progesterone Receptor Antagonist and Maxi-K Channel Agonist as Neuroprotective in Feeney's Weight Drop Model of TBI
  80. Physicochemical characterization and cosmetic applications of Passiflora nitida Kunth leaf extract
  81. Acute effects of a typical rhythmic gymnastic training session on physiological parameters in Olympic athletes
  82. Limonene, a Citrus monoterpene, non-complexed and complexed with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin attenuates acute and chronic orofacial nociception in rodents: evidence for involvement of the PKA and PKC pathway.
  83. Does In-Person Visiting Affect the Number of COVID-19 Cases in Prisons?
  84. Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effect of pectolinarigenin, a flavonoid from Amazonian Aegiphila integrifolia (Jacq.), against lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in astrocytes via NFκB and MAPK pathways
  85. Alpha-terpineol prevents myocardial damage against isoproterenol-MI induced in Wistar-Kyoto rats: New possible to promote cardiovascular integrity
  86. The quality of research on judicialization and its influence on public policies on access to medicines in Brazil: a systematic review
  88. Nerolidol, a Sesquiterpene Alcohol, Attenuates Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rats
  89. Lesões penianas em parceiros de mulheres com infecção pelo Papilomavírus humano atendidas em um ambulatório de patologia cervical / Penile lesions in partners of women with human Papillomavirus infection attended at a cervical pathology ambulatory service
  90. Rapid diagnosis of COVID-19 in the first year of the pandemic: a systematic review
  91. Myrtenol complexed with β‐cyclodextrin ameliorates behavioural deficits and reduces oxidative stress in the reserpine‐induced animal model of Parkinsonism
  92. Use of monitoring indicators in hospital management of antimicrobials
  93. Efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine as pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials.
  94. Antibacterial and modulatory activities of β-cyclodextrin complexed with (+)-β-citronellol against multidrug-resistant strains
  95. Involvement of nuclear factor κB and descending pain pathways in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of β-citronellol, a food ingredient, complexed in β-cyclodextrin in a model of complex regional pain syndrome - Type 1
  96. Efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine as pre-and post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. Systematic review and meta-analysis of blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials
  97. Wound healing properties of flavonoids: a systematic review highlighting the mechanisms of action
  98. Bioactive Compounds From Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi and Their Potential Health Benefits
  99. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the poorest region of Brazil: results from a population-based study
  100. Anti-obesity properties and mechanism of action of flavonoids: A review
  101. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in broadcast media workers
  102. Óleos essenciais utilizados no tratamento de neuralgias: Uma revisão sistemática
  103. Anticancer activity of limonene: A systematic review of target signaling pathways
  104. Mapping the technological landscape of SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
  105. Effect of the Croton rhamnifolioides Essential Oil and the Inclusion Complex (OEFC/β-CD) in Antinociceptive Animal Models
  106. Cardiovascular effects of farnesol and its β-cyclodextrin complex in normotensive and hypertensive rats
  107. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of Lippia pedunculosa Hayek essential oil and its β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex
  108. COVID-19 Mortality and Case-Fatality Rates in Sergipe State, Northeast Brazil, From April to June 2020
  109. Role of peripheral and central sensitization in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of hecogenin acetate, an acetylated sapogenin, complexed with β-cyclodextrin: Involvement of NFκB and p38 MAPK pathways
  110. The Therapeutic Value of Hydralazine in Reducing Inflammatory Response, Oxidative Stress, and Mortality in Animal Sepsis: Involvement of the PI3K/AKT Pathway
  111. Technological Scenario for Masks in Patent Database During Covid-19 Pandemic
  112. Cytotoxic potential and antiparasitic activity of the Croton rhamnifolioides Pax leaves. & K. Hoffm essential oil and its inclusion complex (EOCr/β-CD)
  113. Resistance training improves cardiac function and cardiovascular autonomic control in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
  114. Socio-economic inequalities and COVID-19 incidence and mortality in Brazilian children: a nationwide register-based study
  115. Racial Disparities in COVID-19-related Deaths in Brazil: Black Lives Matter?
  116. Non-clinical study of the anxiolytic effect of Citrus aurantium L. essential oil in an inclusion complex with 2-hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin
  117. Miller Fisher Syndrome in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection: A Systematic Review
  118. Resistance training increases insulin-induced vasodilation in the mesenteric artery of healthy rats
  120. Preparation, Physicochemical Characterization, Docking and Antiarrhythmic Effect of D-Limonene and D-Limonene Hydroxypropyl-Β-Cyclodextrin Complex
  121. Nerolidol-beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex enhances anti-inflammatory activity in arthritis model and improves gastric protection
  122. Acute leucocyte, muscle damage, and stress marker responses to high-intensity functional training
  123. Monoterpenes and their derivatives as agents for cardiovascular disease management: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  124. Factors Associated with Mortality among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study
  125. Phytochemical screening and cardiovascular effects of the ethanol extract of Erythroxylum passerinum mart
  126. Myocardial hypertrophy is prevented by farnesol through oxidative stress and ERK1/2 signaling pathways
  127. Trends in MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Diagnosis Strategies: A Patent Review
  128. COVID-19 mortality among Indigenous people in Brazil: a nationwide register-based study
  129. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG antibodies in an asymptomatic population in Sergipe, Brazil
  130. Digital public interest on coronavirus information and social distancing: a Brazilian nationwide analysis using an infodemiology approach
  131. Limonene, a food additive, and its active metabolite perillyl alcohol improve regeneration and attenuate neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury: Evidence for IL-1β, TNF-α, GAP, NGF and ERK involvement
  132. HPLC-DAD-UV analysis, anti-inflammatory and anti-neuropathic effects of methanolic extract of Sideritis bilgeriana (Lamiaceae) by NF-κB, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 involvement
  133. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients With COVID‐2019 and Leprosy
  134. Use of Monitoring Indicators in Hospital Management of Antimicrobials
  135. Antihypertensive effect of carvacrol is improved after incorporation in β‐cyclodextrin as a drug delivery system
  136. COVID-19 fatality rates related to social inequality in Northeast Brazil: a neighborhood-level analysis.
  137. Analytical techniques to recognize inclusion complexes formation involving monoterpenes and cyclodextrins: a study case with (–) borneol, a food ingredient
  138. Drug repurposing and cytokine management in response to COVID-19: a review
  139. Volatile profiling and UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS polyphenol analysis of Passiflora leschenaultii DC. fruits and its anti-radical and anti-diabetic properties
  140. Polymethoxyflavones from Gardenia oudiepe (Rubiaceae) induce cytoskeleton disruption-mediated apoptosis and sensitize BRAF-mutated melanoma cells to chemotherapy
  141. (−)-linalool-Loaded Polymeric Nanocapsules Are a Potential Candidate to Fibromyalgia Treatment
  142. Assessment of carvacrol paste as endodontic medication associated with laser photobiomodulation in tissue repair: an experimental study in rats
  143. Pharmaceutical agents for treatment of leishmaniasis: a patent landscape
  144. Alpha‐terpineol complexed with beta‐cyclodextrin reduces damages caused by periodontitis in rats
  145. The use of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes to improve anticancer drug profiles: a systematic review
  146. Anti-Inflammatory and Physicochemical Characterization of the Croton Rhamnifolioides Essential Oil Inclusion Complex in β-Cyclodextrin
  147. Author response for "Antihypertensive effect of carvacrol is improved after incorporation in β-cyclodextrin as a drug delivery system"
  148. SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) treatment: a patent review
  149. Antiedematogenic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Monoterpene Isopulegol and Its β-Cyclodextrin (β-CD) Inclusion Complex in Animal Inflammation Models
  150. Nootkatone Inhibits Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Responses in Mice
  151. Antidiarrheal activity of farnesol in rodents: Pharmacological actions and molecular docking
  152. NOX-dependent reactive oxygen species production underlies arrhythmias susceptibility in dexamethasone-treated rats
  153. Dereplication and quantification of the ethanol extract of Miconia albicans (melastomaceae) by HPLC-DAD-ESI-/MS/MS, and assessment of its anti-hyperalgesic and anti-inflammatory profiles in a mice arthritis-like model: Evidence for involvement of TNF-α...
  154. Evidence for the involvement of IL-1β and TNF-α in anti-inflammatory effect and antioxidative stress profile of the standardized dried extract from Miconia albicans Sw. (Triana) Leaves (Melastomataceae)
  155. Characterization of β-cyclodextrin/myrtenol complex and its protective effect against nociceptive behavior and cognitive impairment in a chronic musculoskeletal pain model
  156. Monoterpenes Modulating IL-10
  157. Orofacial Antinociceptive Effect of Nifedipine in Rodents Is Mediated by TRPM3, TRPA1, and NMDA Processes
  158. Modulation of interleukin expression by medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites: A systematic review on anti-asthmatic and immunopharmacological mechanisms
  159. Pharmacokinetics and Antihypertensive effect of linalool is improved after incorporation in β‐cyclodextrin as a drug delivery system
  160. Atividade anti-protozoário in vitro do p-Cimeno sobre Leishmania amazonensis
  161. Effects of high doses of glucocorticoids on insulin-mediated vasodilation in the mesenteric artery of rats
  162. Indole-3-guanylhydrazone hydrochloride mitigates long-term cognitive impairment in a neonatal sepsis model with involvement of MAPK and NFκB pathways
  163. Phytol, a Chlorophyll Component, Produces Antihyperalgesic, Anti-inflammatory, and Antiarthritic Effects: Possible NFκB Pathway Involvement and Reduced Levels of the Proinflammatory Cytokines TNF-α and IL-6
  164. Effect of α-Bisabolol and Its β-Cyclodextrin Complex as TetK and NorA Efflux Pump Inhibitors in Staphylococcus aureus Strains
  165. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L.P. Queiroz
  166. Avaliação do efeito anti-hiperalgésico do (-) -α-bisabolol complexado à β-ciclodextrina em modelo dor inflamatória
  167. Evaluation of the antihyperalgesic effect of (-) -α-bisabolol complexed to β-cyclodextrin in inflammatory pain model
  168. Delay in head and neck cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on health outcomes
  169. Resistance training prevents the reduction of insulin-mediated vasodilation in the mesenteric artery of dexamethasone-treated rats.
  170. Gelatin-based mucoadhesive membranes containing inclusion complex of thymol/β-cyclodextrin for treatment of oral infections
  172. Anti-hyperalgesic effect of (-)-α-bisabolol and (-)-α-bisabolol/β-Cyclodextrin complex in a chronic inflammatory pain model is associated with reduced reactive gliosis and cytokine modulation
  173. Involvement of the PKA pathway and inhibition of voltage gated Ca2+ channels in antihyperalgesic activity of Lippia grata/β-cyclodextrin
  174. Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin-complexed naringenin by solvent change precipitation for improving anti-inflammatory effect in vivo
  175. Associação entre perfusão periférica, microcirculação e mortalidade em sepse: uma revisão sistemática
  176. d-Limonene Ameliorates Myocardial Infarction Injury by Reducing Reactive Oxygen Species and Cell Apoptosis in a Murine Model
  177. Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of CVIB, a codrug of carvacrol and ibuprofen as a novel anti-inflammatory agent
  178. Anti-inflammatory effect of nano-encapsulated nerolidol on zymosan-induced arthritis in mice
  179. Association between peripheral perfusion, microcirculation and mortality in sepsis: a systematic review
  180. Eplingiella fruticosa (Lamiaceae) essential oil complexed with β-cyclodextrin improves its anti-hyperalgesic effect in a chronic widespread non-inflammatory muscle pain animal model
  181. Naringenin complexed with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin improves the sciatic nerve regeneration through inhibition of p75NTR and JNK pathway
  182. The Patenting and Technological Trends in Candidiasis Treatment: A Systematic Review (2014-2018)
  183. Effects of the solid lipid nanoparticle of carvacrol on rodents with lung injury from smoke inhalation
  184. Carvacrol suppresses LPS-induced pro-inflammatory activation in RAW 264.7 macrophages through ERK1/2 and NF-kB pathway
  185. Effect of the essential oils from Piper sp. and blue led lights in the enhancement of the antibiotic activity of drugs against mdr bacterial strains
  186. Inclusion complex with cyclodextrins enhances the bioavailability of flavonoid compounds: a systematic review
  187. Protective effects of flavonoid composition rich P. subpeltata Ortega. on indomethacin induced experimental ulcerative colitis in rat models of inflammatory bowel diseases
  188. Anti-hyperalgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of citral with β-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes in animal models
  189. Ximenia americana L. enhances the antibiotic activity and inhibit the development of kinetoplastid parasites
  190. The complex pharmacology of natural products
  191. Development of morin/hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex: Enhancement of bioavailability, antihyperalgesic and anti-inflammatory effects
  192. Oral administration of carvacrol/β-cyclodextrin complex protects against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced dopaminergic denervation
  193. Enhancement of antibiotic activity by phytocompounds of Turnera subulata
  194. Cyclodextrin–Drug Inclusion Complexes: In Vivo and In Vitro Approaches
  195. Comparative analysis of the antibacterial and drug-modulatory effect of d-limonene alone and complexed with β-cyclodextrin
  196. Eplingiella fruticosa leaf essential oil complexed with β-cyclodextrin produces a superior neuroprotective and behavioral profile in a mice model of Parkinson's disease
  197. Hydrogel as an alternative structure for food packaging systems
  198. Carvacrol/β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex inhibits cell proliferation and migration of prostate cancer cells
  199. p-Cymene attenuates cancer pain via inhibitory pathways and modulation of calcium currents
  200. Acute and Subacute Toxicological Studies of Annona Vepretorum in Experimental Animals
  201. Essential oils and its bioactive compounds modulating cytokines: A systematic review on anti-asthmatic and immunomodulatory properties
  202. Effects of Resistance and Combined training on Vascular Function in Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
  203. Bradycardic and Antiarrhythmic Effects of the D-Limonene in Rats
  204. The use of terpenes and derivatives as a new perspective for cardiovascular disease treatment
  205. Pharmacological Effects of Carvacrol in In vitro Studies: A Review
  206. The inclusion complex of carvacrol and β-cyclodextrin reduces acute skeletal muscle inflammation and nociception in rats
  207. Central nervous system and analgesic profiles of Lippia genus
  208. Cholecalciferol, Ergosterol, and Cholesterol Enhance the Antibiotic Activity of Drugs
  209. Effect of seasonality on chemical profile and antifungal activity of essential oil isolated from leaves Psidium salutare (Kunth) O. Berg
  210. Citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol with promising pharmacological activities - A systematic review
  211. Natural products as a perspective for cancer pain management: a systematic review
  212. New insights on relaxant effects of (-)-borneol monoterpene in rat aortic rings
  213. Chronic orofacial pain animal models - progress and challenges
  214. Monoterpenes modulating cytokines - A review
  215. Terpenes as possible drugs for the mitigation of arthritic symptoms - a systematic review
  216. α-Terpineol reduces cancer pain via modulation of oxidative stress and inhibition of iNOS
  217. Molecular mechanism underlying orofacial antinociceptive activity of Vanillosmopsis arborea Baker (Asteraceae) essential oil complexed with β-cyclodextrin
  218. The role of interleukins in vitiligo: a systematic review
  219. Evaluation of antioxidant potencial of novel CaAl and NiAl layered double hydroxides loaded with olanzapine
  220. Physicochemical Characterization and Antinociceptive Effect of β-cyclodextrin/Lippia pedunculosa Essential Oil in Mice
  221. Neuropharmacological effects of essential oil from the leaves of Croton conduplicatus Kunth and possible mechanisms of action involved
  222. Evidence of insulin-dependent signalling mechanisms produced by Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck fruit peel in an insulin resistant diabetic animal model
  223. UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS identification, quantification of polyphenols from Passiflora subpeltata fruit pulp and determination of nutritional, antioxidant, α-amylase and α-glucosidase key enzymes inhibition properties
  224. Monoterpenes as Perspective to Chronic Pain Management: A Systematic Review
  225. Carvacrol prevents impairments in motor and neurochemical parameters in a model of progressive parkinsonism induced by reserpine
  226. Antihypertensive potential of linalool and linalool complexed with β-cyclodextrin: Effects of subchronic treatment on blood pressure and vascular reactivity
  227. Evidence for the involvement of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-10 in the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of indole-3-guanylhydrazone hydrochloride, an aromatic aminoguanidine, in rodents
  228. Natural Products as Promising Pharmacological Tools for the Management of Fibromyalgia Symptoms – A Review
  229. Flavonoids as Th1/Th2 cytokines immunomodulators: A systematic review of studies on animal models
  230. Alcoholic monoterpenes found in essential oil of aromatic spices reduce allergic inflammation by the modulation of inflammatory cytokines
  231. Characterization and Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity of Calamusenone, a Major Component of Hyptis pectinata (L.) Poit Essential Oil
  232. In Vitro Evaluation of the Antibacterial Activity and Antibiotic- Modulatory Effect of Gracilaria cervicornis (Tuner) J. Agardh
  233. Gastroprotective Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of the Stryphnodendron rotundifolium Mart. in Mice: Mechanism Actions Assay
  234. Antimicrobial, Gastroprotective and Healing Effect of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of Astronium fraxinifolium
  235. Amorphous solid dispersions of hecogenin acetate using different polymers for enhancement of solubility and improvement of anti-hyperalgesic effect in neuropathic pain model in mice
  236. Phytochemical profile and mechanisms involved in the anti-nociception caused by the hydroethanolic extract obtained from Tocoyena formosa (Cham. & Schltdl.) K. Schum (Jenipapo-bravo) leaves in mice
  237. Computer-Aided Drug Design Studies in Food Chemistry
  238. Ethnopharmacological Studies for the Development of New Drugs
  239. Flavonoids as Therapeutic Agents in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Evidences
  240. List of Contributors
  241. Anti-edematogenic and anti-inflammatory activity of the essential oil from Croton rhamnifolioides leaves and its major constituent 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol)
  242. Protective effect of carvacrol on acetic acid-induced colitis
  243. Myrtenol protects against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury through antioxidant and anti-apoptotic dependent mechanisms
  244. Evaluation of the antioxidant and gastroprotective activity and HPLC analysis of the hydroalcoholic extract of Tocoyena formosa leaves (Cham. & Schlecht) K. Schum
  245. Dynamic Simulation, Docking and DFT Studies Applied to a Set of Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors in the enzyme β-Secretase (BACE-1): An Important Therapeutic Target in Alzheimer's Disease
  246. Cyclodextrins improving the physicochemical and pharmacological properties of antidepressant drugs: a patent review
  247. Vitamin K enhances the effect of antibiotics inhibiting the efflux pumps of Staphylococcus aureus strains
  248. Inclusion complex between β-cyclodextrin and hecogenin acetate produces superior analgesic effect in animal models for orofacial pain
  249. Chemical profile, cytotoxic and antiparasitic activity of Operculina hamiltonii
  250. The influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol used for pain control of orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic review
  251. Cytokines in the management of rotavirus infection: A systematic review of in vivo studies
  252. Evaluation of the antibacterial and modulatory potential of α-bisabolol, β-cyclodextrin and α-bisabolol/β-cyclodextrin complex
  253. New drugs or alternative therapy to blurring the symptoms of fibromyalgia—a patent review
  254. Fos Protein as a Marker of Neuronal Activity: a Useful Tool in the Study of the Mechanism of Action of Natural Products with Analgesic Activity
  255. Flavonoids: Promising Natural Products for Treatment of Skin Cancer (Melanoma)
  256. Anti-hyperalgesic effect of Lippia grata leaf essential oil complexed with β-cyclodextrin in a chronic musculoskeletal pain animal model: Complemented with a molecular docking and antioxidant screening
  257. D-limonene exhibits superior antihyperalgesic effects in a β -cyclodextrin-complexed form in chronic musculoskeletal pain reducing Fos protein expression on spinal cord in mice
  258. Docking, characterization and investigation of β-cyclodextrin complexed with farnesol, an acyclic sesquiterpene alcohol, produces orofacial antinociceptive profile in experimental protocols
  259. Antinociceptive Effect of the Essential Oil from Croton conduplicatus Kunth (Euphorbiaceae)
  260. Gastroprotective effect and mechanism of action of Croton rhamnifolioides essential oil in mice
  261. Physico-chemical characterization and antibacterial activity of inclusion complexes of Hyptis martiusii Benth essential oil in β-cyclodextrin
  262. Modulation of antibiotic activity by the hydroalcoholic extract from leaves of Caryocar coriaceum WITTM
  263. Polyphenols rich Passiflora leschenaultii leaves modulating Farnesoid X Receptor and Pregnane X Receptor against paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  265. Cardiac chronotropic competence to beta‐adrenergic stimulation in insulin resistance
  266. D‐Limonene complexed with β‐cyclodextrin reduces hyperalgesia in a mice model for fibromyalgia
  267. New perspectives for chronic pain treatment: a patent review (2010-2016)
  268. Hesperetin-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules in polyamide: a new textile formulation for topical drug delivery
  269. Nanoemulsion Thermoreversible Pluronic F127-Based Hydrogel Containing Hyptis pectinata (Lamiaceae) Leaf Essential Oil Produced a Lasting Anti-hyperalgesic Effect in Chronic Noninflammatory Widespread Pain in Mice
  270. Anti-inflammatory activity of the essential oil obtained from Ocimum basilicum complexed with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in mice
  271. Cyclodextrins as Encapsulation Agents to Improve the Anti-inflammatory Drugs Profile: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  272. Antinociceptive effect of Aristolochia trilobata stem essential oil and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2yl acetate, its main compound, in rodents
  273. Effects of a Single Bout of Resistance Exercise in Different Volumes on Endothelium Adaptations in Healthy Animals
  274. Gastroprotective and ulcer healing effects of hydroethanolic extract of leaves of Caryocar coriaceum: Mechanisms involved in the gastroprotective activity
  275. Orofacial Pains
  278. Enhancement of orofacial antinociceptive effect of carvacrol, a monoterpene present in oregano and thyme oils, by β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex in mice
  279. Phytochemical screening and analgesic profile of the lyophilized aqueous extract obtained from Chrysobalanus icaco leaves in experimental protocols
  280. Medicinal plants and natural molecules with in vitro and in vivo activity against rotavirus: A systematic review
  281. Shikimic acid inhibits LPS-induced cellular pro-inflammatory cytokines and attenuates mechanical hyperalgesia in mice
  282. Effects of luteolin and quercetin 3-β- d -glucoside identified from Passiflora subpeltata leaves against acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in rats
  283. Radioprotective effect of ethyl pyruvate alone or as a coadyuvant of amifostine
  284. Beta-cyclodextrin enhanced gastroprotective effect of (−)-linalool, a monoterpene present in rosewood essential oil, in gastric lesion models
  285. Evidence for the involvement of TNF-α and IL-1β in the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl. (Lamiaceae) essential oil and (-)-α-bisabolol, its main compound, in mice
  286. Anti-inflammatory and antiedematogenic activity of the Ocimum basilicum essential oil and its main compound estragole: In vivo mouse models
  287. In vivo antitumor effect, induction of apoptosis and safety of Remirea maritima Aubl. (Cyperaceae) extracts
  288. Docking, characterization and investigation of β-cyclodextrin complexed with citronellal, a monoterpene present in the essential oil of Cymbopogon species, as an anti-hyperalgesic agent in chronic muscle pain model
  289. Host–guest inclusion complexation of β-cyclodextrin and hecogenin acetate to enhance anti-hyperalgesic effect in an animal model of musculoskeletal pain
  290. Synthetic drugs for the treatment of vitiligo: a patent review (2010–2015)
  291. Geraniol Induces Antinociceptive Effect in Mice Evaluated in Behavioural and Electrophysiological Models
  292. Kinetic and physical-chemical study of the inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin containing carvacrol
  293. α-Terpineol, a monoterpene alcohol, complexed with β-cyclodextrin exerts antihyperalgesic effect in animal model for fibromyalgia aided with docking study
  294. Natural products assessed in animal models for orofacial pain – a systematic review
  295. Electrospun fibers for wound healing and treatment of hyperglycemia: A review
  296. Docking and physico-chemical properties of α- and β-cyclodextrin complex containing isopulegol: a comparative study
  297. Characterization and Antihypertensive Effect of the Complex of (-)-β- pinene in β-cyclodextrin
  298. Inclusion of Terpenes in Cyclodextrins: Preparation, Characterization and Pharmacological Approaches
  299. Cytoprotective effect of Eugenia uniflora L. against the waste contaminant mercury chloride
  300. Inflammatory Mediators and Oxidative Stress in Animals Subjected to Smoke Inhalation: A Systematic Review
  301. Antioxidant and antinociceptive effect of the hydroethanolic extract and fractions of the bark of Bowdichia virgilioides in orofacial pain
  302. Molecular Modeling and Physicochemical Properties of Supramolecular Complexes of Limonene with α- and β-Cyclodextrins
  303. β-caryophyllene, a dietary cannabinoid, complexed with β-cyclodextrin produced anti-hyperalgesic effect involving the inhibition of Fos expression in superficial dorsal horn
  304. Evaluation of the orofacial antinociceptive profile of the ethyl acetate fraction and its major constituent, rosmarinic acid, from the leaves of Hyptis pectinata on rodents
  305. Palladium–benzodiazepine derivatives as promising metallodrugs for the development of antiepileptic therapies
  306. Aqueous extract of Chrysobalanus icaco leaves, in lower doses, prevent fat gain in obese high-fat fed mice
  307. HPLC–DAD–MS identification of polyphenols from Passiflora leschenaultii and determination of their antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties
  308. Chrysobalanus icaco L. Leaves Normalizes Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Glucose and Inhibits Weight Gain in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice
  309. Annona Species (Annonaceae) Oils
  310. Orofacial antinociceptive effect of the ethanolic extract of Annona vepretorum Mart. (Annonaceae)
  311. Development and Evaluation of Stability of a Gel Formulation Containing the Monoterpene Borneol
  312. Contributors
  313. Neuroprotective Effect of Natural Products on Peripheral Nerve Degeneration: A Systematic Review
  314. Endothelium adjustments to acute resistance exercise are intensity-dependent in healthy animals
  315. Cyclo-Gly-Pro, a cyclic dipeptide, attenuates nociceptive behaviour and inflammatory response in mice
  316. A Review of Recent Patents on the ASICs as a Key Drug Target
  317. Hydroalcoholic extract of red propolis promotes functional recovery and axon repair after sciatic nerve injury in rats
  318. Menadione (vitamin K) enhances the antibiotic activity of drugs by cell membrane permeabilization mechanism
  320. Citronellol, a natural acyclic monoterpene, attenuates mechanical hyperalgesia response in mice: Evidence of the spinal cord lamina I inhibition
  321. Enhanced analgesic activity by cyclodextrins – a systematic review and meta-analysis
  322. Use of bone physicochemical characterization and biochemical analyses in an experimental model
  323. Redox-Active Profile Characterization of Remirea maritima Extracts and It Cytotoxic Effect in Mouse Fibroblasts (L929) and Melanoma (B16F10) Cells
  324. Anti-inflammatory property and redox profile of the leaves extract from Morinda citrifolia L.
  325. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the ethanolic extract of Annona vepretorum Mart. (Annonaceae) in rodents
  326. português
  327. Recent Patents on Medicinal Plants/Natural Products as a Therapeutic Approach to Wounds and Burns Healing
  328. Cyclodextrins: improving the therapeutic response of analgesic drugs: a patent review
  329. The anti-hyperalgesic and anti-inflammatory profiles ofp-cymene: Evidence for the involvement of opioid system and cytokines
  330. Development of standardized extractive solution from Lippia sidoides by factorial design and their redox active profile
  331. In Vitro Neuroprotective Effect of Shikimic Acid Against Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress
  332. p‐Cymene Complexed in β‐Cyclodextrin to Cancer Pain Control
  333. β‐caryophyllene‐complexed in β‐cyclodextrin Produces Antihyperalgesic Activity in Animal Model for Fibromyalgia
  334. Ocimum basilicum essential oil complexed with β‐Cyclodextrin increases fos protein expression in CNS areas and produces analgesic profile
  335. Carvacrol Reduces Cancer Pain by GABAergic System
  336. Effect of chitosan film containing carvacrol , a phenolic monoterpene, on wound healing in rats
  337. Physicochemical Characterization and Analgesic Effect of Inclusion Complexes of Essential Oil from Hyptis pectinata L. Poit Leaves with β-Cyclodextrin
  338. Review of the biological properties and toxicity of usnic acid
  339. Encapsulation of carvacrol, a monoterpene present in the essential oil of oregano, with β-cyclodextrin, improves the pharmacological response on cancer pain experimental protocols
  340. Natural compounds for solar photoprotection: a patent review
  341. The Role of Flavonoids on Oxidative Stress in Epilepsy
  342. The Vasorelaxant Effect ofp-Cymene in Rat Aorta Involves Potassium Channels
  343. Preparation, Characterization, and Pharmacological Activity ofCymbopogon winterianusJowitt ex Bor (Poaceae) Leaf Essential Oil ofβ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes
  344. Hyptis pectinata gel prevents alveolar bone resorption in experimental periodontitis in rats
  345. Cyclodextrin-Complexed Ocimum basilicum Leaves Essential Oil Increases Fos Protein Expression in the Central Nervous System and Produce an Antihyperalgesic Effect in Animal Models for Fibromyalgia
  348. Improvement of wound tissue repair by chitosan films containing (-)-borneol, a bicyclic monoterpene alcohol, in rats
  349. Evidence for the involvement of descending pain-inhibitory mechanisms in the attenuation of cancer pain by carvacrol aided through a docking study
  351. Antioxidant Activity and Mechanisms of Action of Natural Compounds Isolated from Lichens: A Systematic Review
  352. Involvement of Cerebral Nervous System Areas and Cytokines on Antihyperalgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities ofKielmeyera rugosaChoisy (Calophyllaceae) in Rodents
  353. Relaxant effect of carvacrol, citronellal and p-cymene, monoterpenes present in Thymus and Cymbopogon species, in guinea-pig trachea: A comparative study
  354. Linalool and linalool complexed in β-cyclodextrin produce anti-hyperalgesic activity and increase Fos protein expression in animal model for fibromyalgia
  357. Evidence for the Involvement of Spinal Cord-Inhibitory and Cytokines-Modulatory Mechanisms in the Anti-Hyperalgesic Effect of Hecogenin Acetate, a Steroidal Sapogenin-Acetylated, in Mice
  358. Antinociceptive activity of the ethanolic extract from barks and leaves of Cnidoscolus quercifolius (Euphorbiaceae) in mice
  359. Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Carvacrol Propionate
  360. Hecogenin Acetate Inhibits Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Senescence in the A549 Human Lung Cancer Cell Line
  361. (342) Cymbopogon winterianus essential oil complexed in β-cyclodextrin attenuates hyperalgesia in mice
  362. Phytochemical study and antinociceptive effect of the hexanic extract of leaves from Combretum duarteanum and friedelin in orofacial nociceptive models (657.14)
  363. β‐Cyclodextrin‐complexed carvacrol produces antinociceptive effect superior to that of carvacrol in orofacial pain models (657.15)
  364. Structure-Activity Relationship of Terpenes with Anti-Inflammatory Profile - A Systematic Review
  365. Garcinielliptone FC, a polyisoprenylated benzophenone fromPlatonia insignisMart., promotes vasorelaxant effect on rat mesenteric artery
  366. Antinociceptive activity ofSyzygium cuminileaves ethanol extract on orofacial nociception protocols in rodents
  367. Nanostructured transdermal hormone replacement therapy for relieving menopausal symptoms: a confocal Raman spectroscopy study
  368. Antioxidant and orofacial anti-nociceptive activities of the stem bark aqueous extract ofAnadenanthera colubrina(Velloso) Brenan (Fabaceae)
  369. A Systematic Review of the Wound-Healing Effects of Monoterpenes and Iridoid Derivatives
  370. Terpenes and derivatives as a new perspective for pain treatment: a patent review
  371. Phytochemical study and antinociceptive effect of the hexanic extract of leaves from Combretum duarteanum and friedelin, a triterpene isolated from the hexanic extract, in orofacial nociceptive protocols
  372. Phytochemical screening and anti-inflammatory activity of Cnidoscolus quercifolius (Euphorbiaceae) in mice
  373. Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of the Essential Oil from Leaves ofXylopia laevigatain Experimental Models
  374. A Systematic Review for Anti-Inflammatory Property of Clusiaceae Family: A Preclinical Approach
  375. Depth-scanning confocal Raman for rapid in vivo determination of testosterone concentration profiles in human skin
  376. Indole Alkaloids from Marine Sources as Potential Leads against Infectious Diseases
  377. Chemical composition, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and redox properties in vitro of the essential oil from Remirea maritima Aubl. (Cyperaceae)
  378. Abarema cochliacarposExtract Decreases the Inflammatory Process and Skeletal Muscle Injury Induced byBothrops leucurusVenom
  379. Natural Products Evaluated in Neuropathic Pain Models - A Systematic Review
  380. Evaluation of anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity of low-level laser therapy on temporomandibular joint inflammation in rodents
  381. β-Cyclodextrin Complex ContainingLippia grataLeaf Essential Oil Reduces Orofacial Nociception in Mice - Evidence of Possible Involvement of Descending Inhibitory Pain Modulation Pathway
  382. Inclusion complex of (−)-linalool and β-cyclodextrin
  383. Bioassay-guided evaluation of Dioscorea villosa – an acute and subchronic toxicity, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory approach
  384. Citronellal, a monoterpene present in Java citronella oil, attenuates mechanical nociception response in mice
  385. β-Cyclodextrin-complexed (−)-linalool produces antinociceptive effect superior to that of (−)-linalool in experimental pain protocols
  387. Cardiovascular effects induced by α-terpineol in hypertensive rats
  388. Antidiabetic Effect of the Chrysobalanus icaco L. Aqueous Extract in Rats
  390. Evidence for the Involvement of Descending Pain-Inhibitory Mechanisms in the Antinociceptive Effect of Hecogenin Acetate
  391. Effect of N-salicyloyltryptamine (STP), a novel tryptamine analogue, on parameters of cell viability, oxidative stress, and immunomodulation in RAW 264.7 macrophages
  392. c‐Fos expression in the piriform cortex and periaqueductal gray after hecogenin acetate administration on carrageenan‐induced hypernociception test
  393. Wound healing effect of TENS in rodents.
  394. Antinociceptive effect of p‐cymene in mice – evidence of involvement of periaqueductal gray area
  395. Cyclodextrin‐complexed Lippia grata essential oil reduce c‐fos expression in the periaqueductal gray area following the antinociceptive effect in mice
  396. Improvement of p‐cymene antinociceptive effect by inclusion in beta‐cyclodextrin
  397. Experimental hypothyroidism during pregnancy affects nociception and locomotor performance of offspring in rats
  398. Detection of lung cancer using multiple genetic markers-a systematic review
  400. Orofacial antinociceptive effect and antioxidant properties of the hydroethanol extract of Hyptis fruticosa salmz ex Benth
  401. Improvement of p-cymene antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects by inclusion in β-cyclodextrin
  402. Evaluation of wound healing activity of atranorin, a lichen secondary metabolite, on rodents
  403. Quality analysis of research on the use of benzodiazepines by elderly patients in the emergency room:a systematic review
  404. Chemical Constituents and Anticancer Effects of the Essential Oil from Leaves of Xylopia laevigata
  405. Efficacy and Safety of Medicinal Plants or Related Natural Products for Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review
  406. Borneol, a Bicyclic Monoterpene Alcohol, Reduces Nociceptive Behavior and Inflammatory Response in Mice
  407. Antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of aqueous extract from Remirea maritima (Cyperaceae)
  408. Anti-inflammatory effects of carvacrol: Evidence for a key role of interleukin-10
  409. Cardiovascular Effects Induced by Linalool in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats
  410. Cardiovascular Effects Induced by Linalool in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats
  411. Antinociceptive Activity and Redox Profile of the Monoterpenes (+)-Camphene, p-Cymene, and Geranyl Acetate in Experimental Models
  412. Evaluation of the adherence by patients treated in a psychosocial ambulatory care setting in northeastern Brazil
  413. Medicinal Plants and Natural Compounds from the Genus Morus (Moraceae) with Hypoglycemic Activity: A Review
  415. Effect of low-level laser therapy on pain levels in patients with temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review
  416. Hyptis pectinata : Redox Protection and Orofacial Antinociception
  417. Citronellol Reduces Orofacial Nociceptive Behaviour in Mice - Evidence of Involvement of Retrosplenial Cortex and Periaqueductal Grey Areas
  418. Solid-state β-cyclodextrin complexes containing geraniol
  419. Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Ulcer Activities of Carvacrol, a Monoterpene Present in the Essential Oil of Oregano
  420. Antinociceptive effect of ethanolic extract of Selaginella convoluta in mice
  421. Gastroprotective activity of carvacrol on experimentally induced gastric lesions in rodents
  422. Antinociceptive effects of an extract, fraction and an isolated compound of the stem bark of Maytenus rigida
  423. Avaliação dos sintomas de ansiedade e depressão em fibromiálgicos
  425. Monoterpenes with Analgesic Activity-A Systematic Review
  426. α-Terpineol Reduces Mechanical Hypernociception and Inflammatory Response
  427. Phytochemical screening, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Chrysopogon zizanioides essential oil
  429. Fibromialgia e disfunção temporomandibular: uma revisão de literatura
  430. Biological Oxidations and Antioxidant Activity of Natural Products
  431. Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Dysfunction in Fibromyalgic Patients
  432. Citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol, reduces nociceptive and inflammatory activities in rodents
  433. Evaluation of the lethality of Porophyllum ruderale essential oil against Biomphalaria glabrata, Aedes aegypti and Artemia salina
  434. Phytochemical screening, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the essential oil of Myrcia pubiflora in mice
  435. Phythochemical screening and antimicrobial activity phythochemical of essential oil from Lippia gracillis
  436. Temporomandibular disorders dysfunction in headache patients
  437. Drug utilization research in a primary mental health service in Northeast of Brazil
  438. Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Properties of p-Cymene in Mice
  439. Orofacial Analgesic-Like Activity of Carvacrol in Rodents
  440. Orofacial Analgesic-Like Activity of Carvacrol in Rodents
  441. Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Properties of p-Cymene in Mice
  442. Carvacrol attenuates mechanical hypernociception and inflammatory response
  443. Antinociceptive activity of discretamine isolated fromDuguetia moricandiana
  444. p-Cymene reduces orofacial nociceptive response in mice
  445. Ocimum basilicum leaf essential oil and (-)-linalool reduce orofacial nociception in rodents: a behavioral and electrophysiological approach
  446. Evaluation of adherence to treatment by patients seen in a psychosocial care center in northeastern Brazil
  447. Anti-inflammatory and toxicity studies of atranorin extracted from Cladina kalbii Ahti in rodents
  448. Antioxidant, Antinociceptive, and Anti-inflammatory Properties of the Ethanolic Extract of Combretum duarteanum in Rodents
  449. Pre-clinical toxicity of Morinda citrifolia Linn. leaf extract
  450. Phytochemical characterization and antinociceptive effect of Lippia gracilis Schauer
  451. Morinda citrifolia Linn Leaf Extract Possesses Antioxidant Activities and Reduces Nociceptive Behavior and Leukocyte Migration
  452. Investigation of Mechanisms Involved in (−)-Borneol-Induced Vasorelaxant Response on Rat Thoracic Aorta
  453. Side Effects of the Therapy With Peginterferon and Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C
  455. Volatile constituents and behavioral change induced by Cymbopogon winterianus leaf essential oil in rodents
  456. Erratum to: Interaction of p-cymene with β-cyclodextrin
  457. Erratum to: Interaction of p-cymene with β-cyclodextrin
  458. Cardiovascular effects of monoterpenes: a review
  459. Bioassay-guided evaluation of central nervous system effects of citronellal in rodents
  460. Interaction of p-cymene with β-cyclodextrin
  461. Sida cordifolia Leaf Extract Reduces the Orofacial Nociceptive Response in Mice
  462. Citral reduces nociceptive and inflammatory response in rodents
  463. Assessment of antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass., Asteraceae, aqueous extract
  464. Antinociceptive Action and Redox Properties of Citronellal, an Essential Oil Present in Lemongrass
  465. Electrical stimulation reduces secondary mechanical hyperalgesia in a non-inflammatory pain model in rats
  466. Bioassay-guided Evaluation of Antinociceptive Properties and Chemical Variability of the Essential Oil ofHyptis fruticosa
  467. α-Terpineol reduces nociceptive behavior in mice
  468. Redox properties and cytoprotective actions of atranorin, a lichen secondary metabolite
  469. Essential oil composition and variability in Hyptis fruticosa
  470. Trait anxiety affects the orofacial nociceptive response in rats
  471. Anti-inflammatory and redox-protective activities of citronellal
  472. Collagen-Based Films Containing Liposome-Loaded Usnic Acid as Dressing for Dermal Burn Healing
  473. Maternal Exposure to Phthalates and Phenols and Fetal Growth Among Male Newborns
  474. Bioassay-guided Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antinociceptive Activities of Carvacrol
  475. Radiographic measurement of the cervical spine in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction
  476. Assessment of antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties ofCymbopogon winterianusleaf essential oil
  477. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects ofCostus spicatusin experimental animals
  478. Antinociceptive effect of citronellal in mice
  479. Anticonvulsant evaluation of Rauvolfia ligustrina Willd. ex Roem. & Schult., Apocynaceae, in rodents
  480. Cardiovascular effects induced byCymbopogon winterianusessential oil in rats: involvement of calcium channels and vagal pathway
  481. Bioassay-Guided Evaluation of Antinociceptive Effect ofN-Salicyloyltryptamine: A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Approach
  482. Antinociceptive Activity of Atranorin in Mice Orofacial Nociception Tests
  483. Anxiolytic-like effect of Rauvolfia ligustrina Willd: ex Roem. & Schult., Apocynaceae, in the elevated plus-maze and hole-board tests
  484. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the essential oil of Eugenia candolleana DC., Myrtaceae, on mice
  485. Anticonvulsant property of N-salicyloyltryptamine: evidence of enhance of central GABAergic neurotransmission
  486. Antinociceptive effect of the ethanolic extract of Amburana cearensis (Allemão) A.C. Sm., Fabaceae, in rodents
  487. Plants with anticonvulsant properties: a review
  488. Antinociceptive activity and toxicological study of aqueous extract of Egletes viscosa Less (Asteraceae)
  489. Phythochemical screening and anticonvulsant activity of Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt (Poaceae) leaf essential oil in rodents
  490. Purification, Physicochemical Properties, Thermal Analysis and Antinociceptive Effect of Atranorin Extracted from Cladina kalbii
  491. O papel dos canais iônicos nas epilepsias e considerações sobre as drogas antiepilépticas: uma breve revisão
  492. Anticonvulsant properties of the total alkaloid fraction of Rauvolfia ligustrina Roem. et Schult. in male mice
  493. Evolution of the Anticonvulsant Activity of α-Terpineol
  494. Biochemical and ultrastructural alterations in the rat ventral prostate due to repetitive alcohol drinking
  495. Study of anticonvulsant effect of citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol, in rodents
  497. Natural products inhibitors of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
  498. CNS pharmacological effects of the hydroalcoholic extract of Sida cordifolia L. leaves
  499. Anorectic and behavioural effects of chronicCissampelos sympodialistreatment in female and male rats
  500. Antiparkinsonian-like effects of on tremorine-induced tremors methodology
  501. N -Salicyloyltryptamine, a new anticonvulsant drug, acts on voltage-dependent Na+ , Ca2+ , and K+ ion channels