

What is it about?

This study aims to analyze how these teachers in Spanish non-university education, differentiating between men and women, value and use SMPs to update themselves in educational matters.

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Why is it important?

The implications of this study help to propose actions that help improve the scenario by 1) increasing the training channels, 2) increasing the levels of educational innovation through SMP, 3) increasing the effectiveness of teaching–learning strategies, and 4) promoting of skills that contribute to greater use and perception of these scenarios for the training of teachers and students.


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The results show that the perception of usefulness, responsible use, and the role of educational institutions and agents remains medium or low. At the descriptive level, differences between men and women are detected in the perceptions of the teachers surveyed, with female teachers having a more favourable perception of the usefulness, use, and role of social media assumed by the institutions in which they work professionally compared to male teachers. It is concluded that there are three profiles of non-university teachers according to the variables analyzed that do not show differences according to the sex of the teachers.

Prof. Elias Said-Hung
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Social media and non-university teachers from a gender perspective in Spain, Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, May 2024, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/s44322-024-00010-z.
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