All Stories

  1. Psychosocial predictors of doping intentions and use in sport and exercise: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2. Exploring the process of restoring psychological needs after incidences of frustration and need unfulfillment
  3. Stepping back or stepping in: A qualitative investigation of self‐distanced versus self‐immersed stressor reflections with competitive swimmers
  4. An Australian Football Themed Health Behaviour Change Intervention for Men With Cardiovascular Disease is Feasible and Acceptable: Results From a Feasibility Randomised Trial
  5. Motivation to participate in structured physical activity for autistic youth: A systematic scoping review
  6. The effects of a combined physical activity and health education program on health knowledge and well‐being of socially vulnerable children
  7. Rethinking students' psychological need states: The unique role of need unfulfilment to understanding ill‐being in academic settings
  8. The effects of interpersonal development programmes with sport coaches and parents on youth athlete outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  9. A Group Motivational Intervention to Support Motivation for Physical Activity among Adults in Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorders: Protocol for a N-of-1 Study
  10. Goal motives, mental contrasting with implementation intentions, and the self-regulation of saving goals: A longitudinal investigation.
  11. To rest or to compete? A 4-week cohort study of analgesic use and willingness to compete hurt in Danish youth elite athletes
  12. Dimensionality, Invariance, and Nomological Network of the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS): An Extensive Psychometric Investigation in a Swedish Work Cohort
  13. Experiences of postpartum mothers and a significant other in a dyadic physical activity programme
  14. ‘A Different Ball Game’: Adaptation of a men’s health program for implementation in rural Australia
  15. Prediction Versus Explanation in Educational Psychology: a Cross-Theoretical Approach to Using Teacher Behaviour to Predict Student Engagement in Physical Education
  16. A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.
  17. Predictors of intentions of adults over 35 years to participate in walking sport programs: A social‐ecological mixed‐methods approach
  18. “More than just a walk in the park”: A multi-stakeholder qualitative exploration of community-based walking sport programmes for middle-aged and older adults
  19. Goal Motives, Goal-Regulatory Processes, Psychological Needs, and Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  20. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Motivation
  21. Facilitating Health Behavior Change
  22. Autonomous motivation promotes goal attainment through the conscious investment of effort, but mental contrasting with implementation intentions makes goal striving easier
  23. Autonomous Motivation Promotes Goal Attainment through the Conscious Investment of Effort, but Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions Makes Goal Striving Easier
  24. Psychosocial Predictors of Drop-Out from Organised Sport: A Prospective Study in Adolescent Soccer
  25. Enhancing functional recovery for young people recovering from first episode psychosis via sport-based life skills training: outcomes of a feasibility and pilot study
  26. Further thoughts on promoting sustainable behavior change in physical activity settings – comment on Hohberg et al.
  27. Motives and Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions Predict Progress and Management of Goals in Parents
  28. John Henryism and fear of failure in competitive sport: predicting competitive standard and mental well-being
  29. Managerial predictors and motivational outcomes of workers’ psychological need states profiles: A two-wave examination
  30. Motivational predictors of children's involvement in out‐of‐school activities: An application of a football program
  31. Self-reported measurements of physical literacy in adults: a scoping review
  32. Supervisors' interpersonal styles: An integrative perspective and a measure based on self‐determination theory
  33. The Psychology of Athletic Endeavor
  34. Goal motives and mental contrasting with implementation intentions facilitate strategic goal persistence and disengagement
  35. Motivating playgrounds: understanding how school playgrounds support autonomy, competence, and relatedness of tweens
  36. Behavior change techniques in physical activity interventions for adults with substance use disorders: A systematic review.
  37. A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
  38. A systematic review examining socioeconomic factors in trials of interventions for men that report weight as an outcome
  39. A Classification System for Teachers’ Motivational Behaviours Recommended in Self-Determination Theory Interventions
  40. Team resilience emergence: Perspectives and experiences of military personnel selected for elite military training
  41. Virtual Reality Against Doping: The Case of Project VIRAL
  42. The bright, dark, and dim light colors of motivation: Advances in conceptualization and measurement from a self-determination theory perspective
  43. Psychosocial outcomes of sport participation for middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  44. How can older peer leaders best support motivation for walking in physically inactive older adults? A self-determination theory perspective
  45. The emergence of resilience: Recovery trajectories in sleep functioning after a major stressor.
  46. The effectiveness of stress regulation interventions with athletes: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
  47. Handling effect size dependency in meta-analysis
  48. Stress, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and resilience—The effects of naturalistic periods of elevated stress: A measurement‐burst study
  49. “It’s Better Together”: A Nested Longitudinal Study Examining the Benefits of Walking Regularly With Peers Versus Primarily Alone in Older Adults
  50. Stressor reflections and elite athlete psychological well-being and ill-being: An experimental test of self-distancing
  51. Acceptability of Self-Management Group Education to Reduce Fear of Hypoglycemia as a Barrier to Physical Activity in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A Mixed Methods Approach
  52. Evolution of physical activity habits after a context change: The case of COVID‐19 lockdown
  53. The Aussie-FIT process evaluation: feasibility and acceptability of a weight loss intervention for men, delivered in Australian Football League settings
  54. Barriers and facilitators of physical activity participation in adults living with type 1 diabetes: a systematic scoping review
  55. Pain and fatigue are longitudinally and bi-directionally associated with more sedentary time and less standing time in rheumatoid arthritis
  56. Development and feasibility of a mobile phone application designed to support physically inactive employees to increase walking
  57. Self-management group education to reduce fear of hypoglycaemia as a barrier to physical activity in people living with type 1 diabetes: A pilot randomised controlled trial.
  58. Autonomous motivation, cardiorespiratory fitness, and exercise in rheumatoid arthritis: randomised controlled trial
  59. A Systematic Review of Machine Learning for Assessment and Feedback of Treatment Fidelity
  60. Postnatal Exercise Partners Study (PEEPS): a pilot randomized trial of a dyadic physical activity intervention for postpartum mothers and a significant other
  61. Fatigue and fluctuations in physical and psychological wellbeing in people with multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study
  62. Challenges to Engaging Older Adults in a Group-Based Walking Intervention: Lessons From the Residents in Action Trial
  63. Does self‐compassion help to deal with dietary lapses among overweight and obese adults who pursue weight‐loss goals?
  64. Advancing the Conceptualization and Measurement of Psychological Need States: A 3 × 3 Model Based on Self-Determination Theory
  65. A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts.
  66. Goal Motives and Well-Being in Student-Athletes: A Person-Centered Approach
  67. Evolution of Physical Activity Habits After a Context Change: the Case of COVID-19 Lockdown
  68. Relationships between changes in self-reported physical activity, sedentary behaviour and health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in France and Switzerland
  69. Volunteer Motivation and Retention of Older Peer Walk Leaders: A 4-Month Long Investigation
  70. The development of a sport-based life skills program for young people with first episode psychosis: An intervention mapping approach
  71. An intervention to optimise coach-created motivational climates and reduce athlete willingness to dope (CoachMADE): a three-country cluster randomised controlled trial
  72. Cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons of self-reported and device-assessed physical activity and sedentary behaviour
  73. A gender-sensitised weight-loss and healthy living program for men with overweight and obesity in Australian Football League settings (Aussie-FIT): A pilot randomised controlled trial
  74. Self-determination theory interventions for health behavior change: Meta-analysis and meta-analytic structural equation modeling of randomized controlled trials.
  75. The effects of the iPlayClean education programme on doping attitudes and susceptibility to use banned substances among high-level adolescent athletes from the UK: A cluster-randomised controlled trial
  76. Diurnal patterns of sedentary time in rheumatoid arthritis: associations with cardiovascular disease risk
  77. Setting Performance and Learning Goals is Useful for Active and Inactive Individuals, if Goals are Personalised and Flexible: Commentary on Swann et al. (2020)
  78. Relationships Between Changes in Self-Reported Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviours and Health During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in France and Switzerland
  79. A review and empirical comparison of motivation scoring methods: An application to self-determination theory
  80. Self-determination Theory
  81. Effective Peer Leader Attributes for the Promotion of Walking in Older Adults
  82. Feasibility and preliminary effects of a peer-led motivationally-embellished workplace walking intervention: A pilot cluster randomized trial (the START trial)
  83. Testing a self-determination theory-based process model of physical activity behavior change in rheumatoid arthritis: results of a randomized controlled trial
  84. Getting published: Suggestions and strategies from editors of sport and exercise psychology journals
  85. Measuring psychological need states in sport: Theoretical considerations and a new measure
  86. Self-Compassion and Need Frustration Moderate the Effects of Upward Appearance Comparisons on Body Image Discrepancies
  87. A Meta-Analysis of Self-Determination Theory-Informed Intervention Studies in the Health Domain: Effects on Motivation, Health Behavior, Physical, and Psychological Health
  88. Barriers and facilitators to physical activity participation in adults living with type 1 diabetes: a scoping review protocol
  89. An intervention to help teachers establish a prosocial peer climate in physical education
  90. Narcissism and social motives: Successful pursuit of egosystem goals boosts narcissism
  91. Self-determination theory applied to physical education: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  92. Financial Incentives May Influence Health Behaviors, But Do We End Up With Less Than We Paid For? A Self-determination Theory Perspective
  93. An investigation into the effects of short-course professional development on teachers’ and teaching assistants’ self-efficacy
  94. Conceptualizing and testing a new tripartite measure of coach interpersonal behaviors
  95. Development and evaluation of a mobile phone application designed to support physically inactive employees to increase walking (Preprint)
  96. A qualitative investigation of coaches’ doping confrontation efficacy beliefs
  97. The role of the athletes’ entourage on attitudes to doping
  98. Qualitative investigation of perceived barriers to and enablers of sport participation for young people with first episode psychosis
  99. Motivational Climate in the Classroom
  100. Perceptions of coach doping confrontation efficacy and athlete susceptibility to intentional and inadvertent doping
  101. Measuring Psychological Need States in Sport: Theoretical Considerations and a New Measure
  102. Effects of Perceived Autonomy Support from Social Agents on Motivation and Engagement of Chinese Primary School Students: Psychological Need Satisfaction as Mediator
  103. An Introduction to the Special Issue for the 50th anniversary of FEPSAC
  104. Editorial: 50th anniversary of FEPSAC
  105. Conceptualizing and Testing a New Tripartite Measure of Coach Interpersonal Behaviors
  106. Profiles of adversity and resilience resources: A latent class analysis of two samples
  107. Longitudinal relations between psychological distress and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity: A latent change score approach
  108. Trial feasibility and process evaluation of a motivationally-embellished group peer led walking intervention in retirement villages using the RE-AIM framework: the residents in action trial (RiAT)
  109. Narcissism, beliefs about controlling interpersonal style, and moral disengagement in sport coaches
  110. Stress, physical activity, and resilience resources: Tests of direct and moderation effects in young adults.
  111. Self-regulation leads to higher mental toughness
  112. Comparison of the effects of exercise and anti-TNF treatment on cardiovascular health in rheumatoid arthritis: results from two controlled trials
  113. The Need-Relevant Instructor Behaviors Scale: Development and Initial Validation
  114. Expanding autonomy psychological need states from two (satisfaction, frustration) to three (dissatisfaction): A classroom-based intervention study.
  115. Dyadic interventions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour: systematic review and meta-analysis
  116. Team resilience: A scoping review of conceptual and empirical work
  117. Protocol for a gender-sensitised weight loss and healthy living programme for overweight and obese men delivered in Australian football league settings (Aussie-FIT): A feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trial
  118. Holding on to the Goal or Letting It Go and Moving On? A Tripartite Model of Goal Striving
  119. “Shall We Dance?” Older Adults’ Perspectives on the Feasibility of a Dance Intervention for Cognitive Function
  120. Do exerciser weight status and perceived motivation predict instructors’ motivation and beliefs about the exerciser? A test of motivation contagion effects
  121. The emergence of team resilience: A multilevel conceptual model of facilitating factors
  122. Is sport an untapped resource for recovery from first episode psychosis? A narrative review and call to action
  123. I am the chosen one: Narcissism in the backdrop of self-determination theory
  124. A Person-Centered Analysis of Motivation for Physical Activity and Perceived Neighborhood Environment in Residents of Assisted Living Facilities
  125. Does teacher evaluation based on student performance predict motivation, well-being, and ill-being?
  126. Need-supportive professional development in elementary school physical education: Effects of a cluster-randomized control trial on teachers’ motivating style and student physical activity.
  127. Psychological and behavioural factors of unintentional doping: A preliminary systematic review
  128. A needs-supportive intervention to help PE teachers enhance students' prosocial behavior and diminish antisocial behavior
  129. Assessing physiotherapists’ communication skills for promoting patient autonomy for self-management: reliability and validity of the communication evaluation in rehabilitation tool
  130. The Impact of Agentic and Communal Exercise Messages on Individuals’ Exercise Class Attitudes, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Intention to Attend
  131. A diary study of appearance social comparisons and need frustration in young women
  132. An Intervention to Optimize Coach Motivational Climates and Reduce Athlete Willingness to Dope (CoachMADE): Protocol for a Cross-Cultural Cluster Randomized Control Trial
  133. An internet-supported school physical activity intervention in low socioeconomic status communities: results from the Activity and Motivation in Physical Education (AMPED) cluster randomised controlled trial
  134. Physical Activity in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: Challenges in Measurement and Motivation
  135. Teacher-created social environment, basic psychological needs, and dancers' affective states during class: A diary study
  136. Communication Skills Training for Practitioners to Increase Patient Adherence to Home-Based Rehabilitation for Chronic Low Back Pain: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
  137. Longitudinal associations between exercise identity and exercise motivation: A multilevel growth curve model approach
  138. Need-supportive communication
  139. Controlling coaching and athlete thriving in elite adolescent netballers: The buffering effect of athletes’ mental toughness
  140. Putting self-determination theory into practice: application of adaptive motivational principles in the exercise domain
  141. Beware of your teaching style: A school-year long investigation of controlling teaching and student motivational experiences
  142. The Role of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Predicting Daily Pain and Fatigue in Older Adults: a Diary Study
  143. Preventing occupational injury among police officers: does motivation matter?
  144. A Diary Study of Self-Compassion, Upward Social Comparisons, and Body Image-Related Outcomes
  145. Linking Coach Interpersonal Style With Athlete Doping Intentions and Doping Use: A Prospective Study
  146. Protocol for the residents in action pilot cluster randomised controlled trial (RiAT): evaluating a behaviour change intervention to promote walking, reduce sitting and improve mental health in physically inactive older adults in retirement villages
  147. A review of some emergent quantitative analyses in sport and exercise psychology
  148. Perceptions of Group-Based Walks and Strategies to Inform the Development of an Intervention in Retirement Villages: Perspectives of Residents and Village Managers
  149. Profiles of Physical Function, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Behavior and their Associations with Mental Health in Residents of Assisted Living Facilities
  150. Stirring the motivational soup: within-person latent profiles of motivation in exercise
  151. “It's a bit more complicated than that”: A broader perspective on determinants of obesity
  152. Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire--Swedish Version
  153. Goal motives and multiple-goal striving in sport and academia: A person-centered investigation of goal motives and inter-goal relations
  154. Linking Narcissism, Motivation, and Doping Attitudes in Sport: A Multilevel Investigation Involving Coaches and Athletes
  155. The two sides of goal intentions: Intention self-concordance and intention strength as predictors of physical activity
  156. Evaluating quality of implementation in physical activity interventions based on theories of motivation: current challenges and future directions
  157. Validating a measure of life satisfaction in older adolescents and testing invariance across time and gender
  158. Prioritizing Intentions on the Margins: Effects of Marginally Higher Prioritization Strategies on Physical Activity Participation
  159. The effects of training group exercise class instructors to adopt a motivationally adaptive communication style
  160. Factors associated with parasympathetic activation following exercise in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study
  161. ‘Mum's the word’: Predictors and outcomes of weight concerns in pre-adolescent and early adolescent girls
  162. Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology
  163. A Three-Wave Longitudinal Test of Self-Determination Theory’s Mediation Model of Engagement and Disaffection in Youth Sport
  164. Interpersonal Support in Physical Activity Consultations Observational Tool
  165. Antecedents of Need Supportive and Controlling Interpersonal Styles From a Self-Determination Theory Perspective: A Review and Implications for Sport Psychology Research
  166. Equal prioritisation does not yield lower levels of participation in physical activities than higher prioritisation
  167. Initial validation of the coach-created Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ-C)
  168. Intrinsic motivation in two exercise interventions: Associations with fitness and body composition.
  169. Life Satisfaction Scale
  170. Narcissism and coach interpersonal style: A self-determination theory perspective
  171. An Internet-supported Physical Activity Intervention Delivered in Secondary Schools Located in Low Socio-economic Status Communities: Study Protocol for the Activity and Motivation in Physical Education (AMPED) Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial 
  172. Measuring the positive psychological well-being of people with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional validation of the subjective vitality scale
  173. Implementing an Autonomy-Supportive Intervention to Develop Mental Toughness in Adolescent Rowers
  174. What if it really was an accident? The psychology of unintentional doping
  175. Motivation-related predictors of physical activity engagement and vitality in rheumatoid arthritis patients
  176. Perceived Barriers, Facilitators and Benefits for Regular Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Review of the Literature
  177. Cardiorespiratory fitness levels and their association with cardiovascular profile in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional study
  178. Predicting subsequent task performance from goal motivation and goal failure
  179. Effect of a Self-Determination Theory–Based Communication Skills Training Program on Physiotherapists' Psychological Support for Their Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  180. Subjective and objective levels of physical activity and their association with cardiorespiratory fitness in rheumatoid arthritis patients
  181. Our PSE journey: Looking back and forward
  182. A Philosophical Debate on the Morality of Doping is Interesting but Beyond the Scope of Our Meta-Analysis
  183. Motivational climate, goal orientation, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment within Finnish junior ice hockey players
  184. Adaptation and Validation of the Psychological Need Thwarting Scale in Spanish Physical Education Teachers
  185. An intervention to train group exercise class instructors to adopt a motivationally adaptive communication style: a quasi-experimental study protocol
  186. The development and validation of the Interpersonal Support in Physical Activity Consultations Observational Tool
  187. Fostering autonomous motivation, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in rheumatoid arthritis: protocol and rationale for a randomised control trial
  188. Goal Striving and Well-Being in Sport: The Role of Contextual and Personal Motivation
  189. Predicting the brighter and darker sides of interpersonal relationships: Does psychological need thwarting matter?
  190. Adolescent Performers’ Perspectives on Mental Toughness and Its Development: The Utility of the Bioecological Model
  191. Personal and Psychosocial Predictors of Doping Use in Physical Activity Settings: A Meta-Analysis
  192. Erratum for the article by Mahoney et al. in JSEP 36(3)
  193. Perceived coach-created and peer-created motivational climates and their associations with team cohesion and athlete satisfaction: evidence from a longitudinal study
  194. Careers patterns in Greek academia: social capital and intelligent careers, but for whom?
  195. Mental Toughness in Sport: Motivational Antecedents and Associations with Performance and Psychological Health
  196. Self-Regulatory Responses to Unattainable Goals: The Role of Goal Motives
  197. An Ecological Momentary Assessment of Lapse Occurrences in Dieters
  198. Developing self-regulation for dietary temptations: intervention effects on physical, self-regulatory and psychological outcomes
  199. Pedagogical Cases in Physical Education and Youth Sport
  200. The relation between student motivation and student grades in physical education: A 3-year investigation
  201. The motivational antecedents of the development of mental toughness: a self-determination theory perspective
  202. Job pressure and ill-health in physical education teachers: The mediating role of psychological need thwarting
  203. Effects of a standard provision versus an autonomy supportive exercise referral programme on physical activity, quality of life and well-being indicators: a cluster randomised controlled trial
  204. Exploratory bifactor analysis in sport, exercise, and performance psychology: A substantive-methodological synergy.
  205. Self-Efficacy Scale
  206. Temptation Measure
  207. Goal Attainment Measure
  208. Need Satisfaction and Thwarting Measure
  209. Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale--Spanish Version
  210. How do values influence attitudes and achievement goals? Relationships among values, achievement orientations and attitudes in youth sport
  211. How important are ethical attitudes? Development of the Attitudes to Moral Decision-making in Youth Sport Questionnaire
  212. Intentions to drop-out of youth soccer: A test of the basic needs theory among European youth from five countries
  213. Measurement invariance of the Behavioural Regulation in Sport Questionnaire when completed by young athletes across five European countries
  214. Weight maintenance: Self-regulatory factors underpinning success and failure
  215. When the Going Gets Tough: The “Why” of Goal Striving Matters
  216. Daily fluctuations in the affective states of dancers: A cross-situational test of basic needs theory
  217. Autonomy support and control in weight management: What important others do and say matters
  218. Development and Initial Validation of the Impression Motivation in Sport Questionnaire–Team
  219. Predicting Psychological Needs and Well-Being of Individuals Engaging in Weight Management: The Role of Important Others
  220. Multiple-goal management: An examination of simultaneous pursuit of a weight-loss goal with another goal
  221. The Goose Is (Half) Cooked: a Consideration of the Mechanisms and Interpersonal Context Is Needed to Elucidate the Effects of Personal Financial Incentives on Health Behaviour
  222. Effects of motivation and depletion on the ability to resist the temptation to avoid physical activity
  223. Impression Motivation in Sport Questionnaire–Team
  224. Further Validation and Development of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire
  225. Motivation Contagion When Instructing Obese Individuals: A Test in Exercise Settings
  226. Antecedents of Perceived Coach Interpersonal Behaviors: The Coaching Environment and Coach Psychological Well- and Ill-Being
  227. Self-Determination Theory Applied to Health Contexts
  228. Communication style and exercise compliance in physiotherapy (CONNECT). A cluster randomized controlled trial to test a theory-based intervention to increase chronic low back pain patients’ adherence to physiotherapists’ recommendations: study rational...
  229. Motivational influences of social agents in the physical domain: First virtual issue of Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  230. On passion and moral behavior in achievement settings: The mediating role of pride
  231. Predicting Students’ Physical Activity and Health-Related Well-Being: A Prospective Cross-Domain Investigation of Motivation across School Physical Education and Exercise Settings
  232. Exercise imagery and its correlates in older adults
  233. A longitudinal examination of coach and peer motivational climates in youth sport: Implications for moral attitudes, well-being, and behavioral investment.
  234. Perceived coach-autonomy support, basic need satisfaction and the well- and ill-being of elite youth soccer players: A longitudinal investigation
  235. Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction, Stress-Related Appraisals, and Dancers’ Cortisol and Anxiety Responses
  236. Psychology of Sport and Exercise: Current status and future aspirations
  237. Self-Determination Theory and Diminished Functioning
  238. When feeling attractive matters too much to women: A process underpinning the relation between psychological need satisfaction and unhealthy weight control behaviors
  239. Measuring student motivation for physical education: Examining the psychometric properties of the Perceived Locus of Causality Questionnaire and the Situational Motivation Scale
  240. In the beginning: Role of autonomy support on the motivation, mental health and intentions of participants entering an exercise referral scheme
  241. Can Self-Esteem Protect against the Deleterious Consequences of Self-Objectification for Mood and Body Satisfaction in Physically Active Female University Students?
  242. Goal Striving, Coping, and Well-Being: A Prospective Investigation of the Self-Concordance Model in Sport
  243. The Role of Athlete Narcissism in Moderating the Relationship between Coaches’ Transformational Leader Behaviors and Athlete Motivation
  244. Psychological Need Thwarting in the Sport Context: Assessing the Darker Side of Athletic Experience
  245. Psychological Need Thwarting Scale
  246. Testing a model of antecedents and consequences of defensive pessimism and self-handicapping in school physical education
  247. The effect of an intervention to improve newly qualified teachers’ interpersonal style, students motivation and psychological need satisfaction in sport-based physical education
  248. Achievement Goals, Competition Appraisals, and the Well- and Ill-Being of Elite Youth Soccer Players Over Two Competitive Seasons
  249. Unhealthy weight control behaviours in adolescent girls: a process model based on self-determination theory
  250. The Controlling Interpersonal Style in a Coaching Context: Development and Initial Validation of a Psychometric Scale
  251. Developmental changes in achievement motivation and affect in physical education: Growth trajectories and demographic differences
  252. Motivational Predictors of Physical Education Students’ Effort, Exercise Intentions, and Leisure-Time Physical Activity: A Multilevel Linear Growth Analysis
  253. An Investigation of Coach Behaviors, Goal Motives, and Implementation Intentions as Predictors of Well-Being in Sport
  254. Controlling Coach Behavior Scale
  255. Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale
  256. Basic Psychological Needs Scale--Modified
  257. Psychological needs and the prediction of exercise‐related cognitions and affect among an ethnically diverse cohort of adult women
  258. The basic psychological needs in exercise scale: Translation and evidence for cross‐cultural validity
  259. Achievement goals, self-handicapping, and performance: A 2 × 2 achievement goal perspective
  260. Morality in Sport: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
  261. A review of controlling motivational strategies from a self-determination theory perspective: implications for sports coaches
  262. Motivation in physical education classes
  263. Evaluation of a standard provision versus an autonomy promotive exercise referral programme: rationale and study design
  264. Understanding the coping process from a self-determination theory perspective
  266. The role of motivation to eat in the prediction of weight control behaviors in female and male adolescents
  267. The social context as a determinant of teacher motivational strategies in physical education
  268. Developmental trajectories of motivation in physical education: Course, demographic differences, and antecedents.
  269. On passion and sports fans: A look at football
  270. Typologies of Greek inactive older adults based on reasons for abstaining from exercise and conditions for change
  271. Relationships among Values, Achievement Orientations, and Attitudes in Youth Sport
  272. Autonomy support, basic need satisfaction and the optimal functioning of adult male and female sport participants: A test of basic needs theory
  273. The effects of an experimental programme to support students’ autonomy on the overt behaviours of physical education teachers
  274. Achievement Goals, Competition Appraisals, and the Psychological and Emotional Welfare of Sport Participants
  275. A Self-Determination Theory Approach to Understanding the Antecedents of Teachers’ Motivational Strategies in Physical Education
  276. Testing a self-determination theory-based teaching style intervention in the exercise domain
  277. Youth Sport Values Questionnaire-2
  278. Goal Striving, Goal Attainment, and Well-Being: Adapting and Testing the Self-Concordance Model in Sport
  279. Achievement goals in physical education: Examining the predictive ability of five different dimensions of motivational climate
  280. Adherence and well-being in overweight and obese patients referred to an exercise on prescription scheme: A self-determination theory perspective
  281. Comparing dichotomous and trichotomous approaches to achievement goal theory: An example using motivational regulations as outcome variables
  282. Development of the Attitudes to Moral Decision-making in Youth Sport Questionnaire (AMDYSQ)
  283. A Self-determination Theory Approach to the Study of Body Image Concerns, Self-presentation and Self-perceptions in a Sample of Aerobic Instructors
  284. Teacher motivational strategies and student self-determination in physical education.
  285. Attitudes to Moral Decision-Making in Youth Sport Questionnaire
  286. Examining Exercise Dependence Symptomatology from a Self-determination Perspective
  287. A Test of Self-Determination Theory in the Exercise Domain
  288. The role of self-determined motivation in the understanding of exercise-related behaviours, cognitions and physical self-evaluations
  289. Predicting young athletes' motivational indices as a function of their perceptions of the coach- and peer-created climate
  290. Students' Motivational Processes and Their Relationship to Teacher Ratings in School Physical Education: A Self-Determination Theory Approach
  291. Students' Motivational Processes and Their Relationship to Teacher Ratings in School Physical Education
  292. Basic Need for Exercise Satisfaction Scale
  293. Peer Motivational Climate in Youth Sport: Measurement Development and Validation
  294. Relationships between exercise and three components of mental well-being in corporate employees
  295. A test of self-determination theory in school physical education
  296. Peer motivational climate in youth sport: a qualitative inquiry
  297. Organized Activities As Contexts of Development
  298. A Prospective Study of Participation in Optional School Physical Education Using a Self-Determination Theory Framework.
  299. Peer Motivational Climate in Youth Sport Questionnaire
  300. Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale
  301. Dimensions of Peer Motivational Climate in Youth Sport Interview Schedule
  302. A psychometric evaluation of the Group Environment Questionnaire in a sample of elite and regional level Greek volleyball players
  303. Dimensions of Coaching Behavior, Need Satisfaction, and the Psychological and Physical Welfare of Young Athletes
  304. The Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q): development and initial validation
  305. An Idiographic Analysis of Amotivation in Compulsory School Physical Education
  306. Relationship between psychological and biological factors and physical activity and exercise behaviour in Filipino students
  307. Effects of a Sport Education Intervention on Students’ Motivational Responses in Physical Education
  308. Participation in Sport and Moral Functioning: Does Ego Orientation Mediate Their Relationship?
  309. A Step-by-Step Guide to SPSS for Sport and Exercise Studies
  310. Criteria of Personal, Boys', and Girls' Popularity as Ranked by Greek Adolescents
  311. Contextual and Situational Motivation in Education: A Test of the Specificity Hypothesis
  312. A model of contextual motivation in physical education: Using constructs from self-determination and achievement goal theories to predict physical activity intentions.
  313. Correlates of achievement goal orientations in physical education
  314. Predicting motivational regulations in physical education: the interplay between dispositional goal orientations, motivational climate and perceived competence
  315. A model of contextual motivation in physical education: Using constructs from self-determination and achievement goal theories to predict physical activity intentions.
  316. Contextual Influences on Moral Functioning of College Basketball Players
  317. Testing the mediating role of physical acceptance in the relationship between physical activity and self-esteem: An empirical study with Danish public servants
  318. Motivational clusters in a sample of British physical education classes
  319. A self-determination approach to the understanding of motivation in physical education
  320. Empirical links between achievement goal theory and self-determination theory in sport
  321. Relationship of Intensity and Direction of Competitive Anxiety with Coping Strategies
  322. A review of motivational climate in physical activity
  323. The mediating role of coping strategies on the relationship between achievement motivation and affect in sport
  324. The relationship of coping and its perceived effectiveness to positive and negative affect in sport
  325. The Relationship between Competitive Anxiety, Achievement Goals, and Motivational Climates
  326. Moral Values and Attitudes
  327. Strength Model of Self-Control
  328. Motivation in sport
  329. Intervention strategies with injured athletes: A case study
  330. The Psychophysical Effects of Music in Sport and Exercise
  331. Goal self-determination and adaptive goal disengagement/re-engagement in sport
  332. Amotivation, reasons for not exercising and conditions for change in a sample of older Greek adults
  333. A longitudinal investigation of the self-concordance model in sport
  334. Approach and avoidance achievement goals, appraisals of sport competition and the psychological welfare of junior elite soccer players: A longitudinal analysis
  335. Predicting weight and negative affect among overweight and obese individuals referred to an exercise on prescription scheme: A Self-Determination Theory perspective
  336. Students' motivational responses and their relationship to "effort-related" teacher ratings in school physical education: A self-determination theory approach
  337. Testing a model of self-determination theory within the context of school physical education: A gender invariance approach
  338. Peer motivational climate in youth sport
  339. You'll never walk alone: Passion in Soccer Fans