All Stories

  1. Why do even strong intenders sometimes fail to act? Evidence from protection, detection, and risk health behaviors.
  2. Goal prioritization and behavior change: Evaluation of an intervention for multiple health behaviors.
  3. The operating conditions framework: Integrating mechanisms and moderators in health behavior interventions.
  4. Benchmarking the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity: A metasynthesis.
  5. Does increasing autonomous motivation or perceived competence lead to health behavior change? A meta-analysis.
  6. The role of incidental affective states in appetitive risk behavior: A meta-analysis.
  7. Self-determination theory interventions for health behavior change: Meta-analysis and meta-analytic structural equation modeling of randomized controlled trials.
  8. Reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and indoor tanning: A meta-analysis.
  9. Predicting physical activity among cancer survivors: Meta-analytic path modeling of longitudinal studies.
  10. Conceptualizing and intervening on affective determinants of health behaviour
  11. Health behaviour: cancer screening, blood and organ donation, and opioid (mis)use
  12. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of repeated implementation intention formation on adolescent smoking initiation: A cluster randomized controlled trial.
  13. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the executive function-health behaviour relationship
  14. Action and inaction regret
  15. Question-behavior effect and flu vaccination in the over 65s
  16. Question behavior effect and influenza vaccination behaviour in health professionals
  17. The Impact of Asking Intention or Self-Prediction Questions on Subsequent Behavior
  18. Attitude Toward Depot Recycling Measure
  19. Role of anticipated regret, intentions and intention stability in adolescent smoking initiation
  20. Ambivalence and Attitudes
  21. Attitude, Intention, and Behavior Toward Low-Fat Diet Measure
  22. Tolerated sensory changes