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  1. Testing theory predictions and intervention mechanisms of action in sport and exercise psychology using meta-analysis.
  2. Effects of habit and intention on behavior: Meta-analysis and test of key moderators.
  3. Health literacy, social cognition constructs, and health behaviors and outcomes: A meta-analysis.
  4. Perceived behavioral control moderating effects in the theory of planned behavior: A meta-analysis.
  5. Predictors of school students’ leisure-time physical activity: An extended trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis
  6. A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts.
  7. An extended theory of planned behavior for parent-for-child health behaviors: A meta-analysis.
  8. Predicting Hand Washing and Sleep Hygiene Behaviors among College Students: Test of an Integrated Social-Cognition Model
  9. The compendium of self-enactable techniques to change and self-manage motivation and behaviour v.1.0
  10. Psychological processes of ACL-patients' post-surgery rehabilitation: A prospective test of an integrated theoretical model
  11. Reasoned and implicit processes in heavy episodic drinking: An integrated dual‐process model
  12. Predicting intention to participate in self-management behaviors in patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia: A cross-national study
  13. Physical Activity in Peri‐Urban Communities: Testing Intentional and Implicit Processes within an Ecological Framework
  14. Testing the need for novelty as a candidate need in basic psychological needs theory
  15. Consistency tendency and the theory of planned behavior: a randomized controlled crossover trial in a physical activity context
  16. Validity of the compulsive exercise test in regular exercisers
  17. Training programme for novice physical activity instructors using Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model: A programme development and protocol
  18. Changing stress mindsets with a novel imagery intervention: A randomized controlled trial.
  19. Time to Set a New Research Agenda for Ego Depletion and Self-Control
  20. Self‐control and health‐related behaviour: The role of implicit self‐control, trait self‐control, and lay beliefs in self‐control
  21. A theory-driven qualitative study exploring issues relating to adherence to topical glaucoma medications
  22. DEBATE: Do interventions based on behavioral theory work in the real world?
  23. A meta-analysis of the health action process approach.
  24. How Physical Education Teachers’ Interpersonal Behaviour is Related to Students’ Health-Related Quality of Life
  25. Trait Self‐Control, Social Cognition Constructs, and Intentions: Correlational Evidence for Mediation and Moderation Effects in Diverse Health Behaviours
  26. Protocol for developing a mental imagery intervention: a randomised controlled trial testing a novel implementation imagery e-health intervention to change driver behaviour during floods
  27. Differential Effects of Perceptions of Equal, Favourable and Unfavourable Autonomy Support on Educational and Well-Being Outcomes
  28. The role of teachers’ controlling behaviour in physical education on adolescents’ health-related quality of life: test of a conditional process model*
  29. Reducing alcohol consumption during pre-drinking sessions: testing an integrated behaviour-change model
  30. Investigating dose–response effects of multimodal exercise programs on health-related quality of life in older adults
  31. Discussing lifestyle behaviors: perspectives and experiences of general practitioners
  32. Habit and physical activity: Theoretical advances, practical implications, and agenda for future research
  33. Motivational predictors of students' participation in out-of-school learning activities and academic attainment in science: An application of the trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis
  34. Effects of medication, treatment, and behavioral beliefs on intentions to take medication in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia
  35. Health related quality of life in individuals at high risk for familial hypercholesterolemia undergoing genetic cascade screening in Brazil
  36. Grit and self-discipline as predictors of effort and academic attainment
  37. The lived experience of rescuing people who have driven into floodwater: Understanding challenges and identifying areas for providing support
  38. Being active in pregnancy: Theory-based factors associated with physical activity among pregnant women
  39. The reasoned action approach applied to health behavior: Role of past behavior and tests of some key moderators using meta-analytic structural equation modeling
  40. Alcohol use, aquatic injury, and unintentional drowning: A systematic literature review
  41. Health literacy in familial hypercholesterolemia: A cross-national study
  42. Psychological and behavioural factors of unintentional doping: A preliminary systematic review
  43. Do factors related to participation in physical activity change following restrictive bariatric surgery? A qualitative study
  44. The common sense model of self-regulation: Meta-analysis and test of a process model.
  45. Predicting fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul heavy goods vehicle drivers: Application of a multi-theory, dual-phase model and the contribution of past behaviour
  46. Social psychological aspects of ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation: An integrated model for behavioral adherence
  47. An mHealth App for Supporting Quitters to Manage Cigarette Cravings With Short Bouts of Physical Activity: A Randomized Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study
  48. Protecting young children against skin cancer: Parental beliefs, roles, and regret
  49. Predicting sugar consumption: Application of an integrated dual-process, dual-phase model
  50. Non-conscious processes and dual-process theories in health psychology
  51. Evaluating quality of implementation in physical activity interventions based on theories of motivation: current challenges and future directions
  52. Barriers to physical activity participation in colorectal cancer survivors at high risk of cardiovascular disease
  53. A Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect
  54. Using meta-analytic path analysis to test theoretical predictions in health behavior: An illustration based on meta-analyses of the theory of planned behavior
  55. A qualitative study exploring health perceptions and factors influencing participation in health behaviors in colorectal cancer survivors
  56. Predicting Self-Management Behaviors in Familial Hypercholesterolemia Using an Integrated Theoretical Model: the Impact of Beliefs About Illnesses and Beliefs About Behaviors
  57. Applying the integrated trans-contextual model to mathematics activities in the classroom and homework behavior and attainment
  58. Western Australian Public Opinions of a Minimum Pricing Policy for Alcohol: Study Protocol
  59. Does inhibitory control training improve health behaviour? A meta-analysis
  60. Relationships between perceived teachers' controlling behaviour, psychological need thwarting, anger and bullying behaviour in high-school students
  61. Theory of planned behavior and adherence in chronic illness: a meta-analysis
  62. The Trans-Contextual Model of Autonomous Motivation in Education: Conceptual and Empirical Issues and Meta-Analysis
  63. Self-determined motivation in sport predicts anti-doping motivation and intention: A perspective from the trans-contextual model
  64. Communicating numeric quantities in context: implications for decision science and rationality claims
  65. Larger and More Prominent Graphic Health Warnings on Plain-Packaged Tobacco Products and Avoidant Responses in Current Smokers: a Qualitative Study
  66. Predicting healthy and unhealthy behaviors through physical education: A self-determination theory-based longitudinal approach
  67. Predicting Alcohol Pre-Drinking in Australian Undergraduate Students Using an Integrated Theoretical Model
  68. Perceived autonomy support and autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities in educational and out-of-school contexts is related to mathematics homework behavior and attainment
  69. A theory-based behavior-change intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in undergraduate students: Trial protocol
  70. The impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on inhibitory control in young adults
  71. Cognitive control and the non-conscious regulation of health behavior
  72. Exploring the perceived effectiveness of a life skills development program for high-performance athletes
  73. Does emotion and its daily fluctuation correlate with depression? A cross-cultural analysis among six developing countries
  74. Weight-loss intervention using implementation intentions and mental imagery: a randomised control trial study protocol
  75. Implicating Self-Control in the Mechanism by which Implementation Intentions Reduce Stress-Induced Unhealthy Eating: a Comment on O’Connor et al.
  76. Unsuccessful attempts to replicate effects of self control operations and glucose on ego-depletion pose an interesting research question that demands explanation
  77. Illusionary delusions. Willingness to exercise self-control can mask effects of glucose on self-control performance in experimental paradigms that use identical self-control tasks
  78. Modal salient belief and social cognitive variables of anti-doping behaviors in sport: Examining an extended model of the theory of planned behavior
  79. The effect of causality orientations and positive competence-enhancing feedback on intrinsic motivation: A test of additive and interactive effects
  80. Preventing the spread of H1N1 influenza infection during a pandemic: autonomy-supportive advice versus controlling instruction
  81. Why sprint interval training is inappropriate for a largely sedentary population
  82. The subjective experience of habit captured by self-report indexes may lead to inaccuracies in the measurement of habitual action
  83. Young athletes' awareness and monitoring of anti-doping in daily life: Does motivation matter?
  84. Where Does Sleep Fit in Models of Self-Control and Health Behaviour?
  85. Pre-drinking and alcohol-related harm in undergraduates: the influence of explicit motives and implicit alcohol identity
  86. The Multiple Pathways by Which Trait Self-Control Predicts Health Behavior
  87. What keeps a body moving? The brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism and intrinsic motivation to exercise in humans
  88. Comparative effects of whey and casein proteins on satiety in overweight and obese individuals: a randomized controlled trial
  89. It is premature to regard the ego-depletion effect as “Too Incredible”
  90. The Children’s Perceived Locus of Causality Scale for Physical Education
  91. An Integrated Behavior Change Model for Physical Activity
  92. Interpersonal style should be included in taxonomies of behavior change techniques
  93. Evaluating Group Member Behaviour Under Individualist and Collectivist Norms
  94. The ‘Health’ of Health Psychology in Australia: Behavioural Approaches and Interventions
  95. Experimental Methods in Health Psychology in Australia: Implications for Applied Research
  96. Patients’ Perceptions and Experiences of Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Cascade Genetic Screening and Treatment
  97. Increasing Self-Regulatory Energy Using an Internet-Based Training Application Delivered by Smartphone Technology
  98. Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: A Reflection on the Past and Future ofStress and Health
  99. Étude des liens entre la fréquence de pratique sportive et la santé des étudiants : mesure des effets de genre sur les troubles alimentaires et les consommations de substances
  100. Effects of pretesting implicit self-determined motivation on behavioral engagement: evidence for the mere measurement effect at the implicit level
  101. Dairy Whey Proteins and Obesity
  102. Avoiding the “déjà-variable” phenomenon: social psychology needs more guides to constructs
  103. The opportunity cost model: Automaticity, individual differences, and self-control resources
  104. Broadening the trans-contextual model of motivation: A study with Spanish adolescents
  105. Theoretical underpinnings of a need-supportive intervention to address sustained healthy lifestyle changes in overweight and obese adolescents
  106. Chronic Inhibition, Self-Control and Eating Behavior: Test of a ‘Resource Depletion’ Model
  107. Implementation Intention and Action Planning Interventions in Health Contexts: State of the Research and Proposals for the Way Forward
  108. Motivation for physical activity in children: A moving matter in need for study
  109. Effects of individualist and collectivist group norms and choice on intrinsic motivation
  110. Cue-Induced Smoking Urges Deplete Cigarette Smokers’ Self-Control Resources
  111. What reviewers want: how to make your article more appealing to peer reviewers
  112. The Goose Is (Half) Cooked: a Consideration of the Mechanisms and Interpersonal Context Is Needed to Elucidate the Effects of Personal Financial Incentives on Health Behaviour
  113. Myopia prevention, near work, and visual acuity of college students: integrating the theory of planned behavior and self-determination theory
  114. The multiple pathways by which self-control predicts behavior
  115. Effectiveness of a motivational interviewing intervention on weight loss, physical activity and cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomised controlled trial with a 12-month post-intervention follow-up
  116. A minimum price per unit of alcohol: A focus group study to investigate public opinion concerning UK government proposals to introduce new price controls to curb alcohol consumption
  117. A Clinical Investigation of Motivation to Change Standards and Cognitions about Failure in Perfectionism
  118. How to Get Your Article Rejected
  119. The Sweet Taste of Success
  120. What makes a ‘good’ review article? Some reflections and recommendations
  121. Theoretical Integration and the Psychology of Sport Injury Prevention
  122. Self-determined forms of motivation predict sport injury prevention and rehabilitation intentions
  123. Rationale, design and methods for a staggered-entry, waitlist controlled clinical trial of the impact of a community-based, family-centred, multidisciplinary program focussed on activity, food and attitude habits (Curtin University’s Activity, Food and...
  124. Investigating the predictive validity of implicit and explicit measures of motivation in problem-solving behavioural tasks
  125. Psychosocial Influence
  126. Youth athletes’ perception of autonomy support from the coach, peer motivational climate and intrinsic motivation in sport setting: One-year effects
  127. Investigating the predictive validity of implicit and explicit measures of motivation on condom use, physical activity and healthy eating
  128. When effects of the universal psychological need for autonomy on health behaviour extend to a large proportion of individuals: A field experiment
  129. The predictive validity of implicit measures of self-determined motivation across health-related behaviours
  130. The effectiveness of a motivational interviewing primary-care based intervention on physical activity and predictors of change in a disadvantaged community
  131. The trans-contextual model: perceived learning and performance motivational climates as analogues of perceived autonomy support
  132. Advances in Motivation in Exercise and Physical Activity
  133. The Social Cure
  134. Theoretical Frameworks in Exercise Psychology
  135. The tripartite efficacy framework in client–therapist rehabilitation interactions: Implications for relationship quality and client engagement.
  136. Never the twain shall meet? Quantitative psychological researchers’ perspectives on qualitative research
  137. Transferring motivation from educational to extramural contexts: a review of the trans-contextual model
  138. Age Shall Not Weary Us: Deleterious Effects of Self-Regulation Depletion Are Specific to Younger Adults
  139. Autonomous forms of motivation underpinning injury prevention and rehabilitation among police officers: An application of the trans-contextual model
  140. Peer influence on young athletes’ need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and persistence in sport: A 12-month prospective study
  141. Effectiveness of a brief intervention using mental simulations in reducing alcohol consumption in corporate employees
  142. Predicting alcohol consumption and binge drinking in company employees: An application of planned behaviour and self-determination theories
  143. When small losses do not loom larger than small gains: Effects of contextual autonomy support and goal contents on behavioural responses to small losses and small gains
  144. Achievement Goals, Physical Self-Concept, and Social Physique Anxiety in a Physical Activity Context1
  145. “You Can’t Do It on Your Own”: Experiences of a motivational interviewing intervention on physical activity and dietary behaviour
  146. An Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Undergraduate Students Using Implementation Intentions and Mental Simulations: A Cross-National Study
  147. The Importance of Importance in the Physical Self: Support for the Theoretically Appealing but Empirically Elusive Model of James
  148. Health and doping in elite-level cycling
  149. Treatment motivation for rehabilitation after a sport injury: Application of the trans-contextual model
  150. Causality orientations moderate the undermining effect of rewards on intrinsic motivation
  151. The Influence of Chronically Accessible Autonomous and Controlling Motives on Physical Activity Within an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior
  152. Testing an integrated model of the theory of planned behaviour and self-determination theory for different energy balance-related behaviours and intervention intensities
  153. A theory-based intervention to reduce alcohol drinking in excess of guideline limits among undergraduate students
  154. The reciprocal relationship between physical activity and depression in older European adults: A prospective cross-lagged panel design using SHARE data.
  155. Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Revised Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP-R) in three countries
  156. The development of a scale measuring integrated regulation in exercise
  157. Extending the trans-contextual model in physical education and leisure-time contexts: Examining the role of basic psychological need satisfaction
  158. Evaluating the effects of implementation intention and self-concordance on behaviour
  159. Self-regulation: an important construct in health psychology research and practice
  160. Vicarious Growth in Wives of Vietnam Veterans
  161. Effects of Implementation Intentions Linking Suppression of Alcohol Consumption to Socializing Goals on Alcohol-Related Decisions
  162. Effects of an autonomy-supportive intervention on tutor behaviors in a higher education context
  163. Self-regulation and self-control in exercise: the strength-energy model
  164. Health Psychology Review: advancing theory and research in health psychology and behavioural medicine
  165. Physical self-concept and social physique anxiety: invariance across culture, gender and age
  166. Social physique anxiety and physical self-esteem: Gender and age effects
  167. Ego depletion and the strength model of self-control: A meta-analysis.
  168. Current issues and new directions inPsychology and Health: Physical activity research showcasing theory into practice
  169. Personality, individual differences, stress and health
  170. Sleep, self-regulation, self-control and health
  171. The strength model of self-regulation failure and health-related behaviour
  172. Assumptions in research in sport and exercise psychology
  173. Teacher, peer and parent autonomy support in physical education and leisure-time physical activity: A trans-contextual model of motivation in four nations
  174. Implementing intentions to drink a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution during exercise
  175. Development of Executive Function and Attention in Preterm Children: A Systematic Review
  176. Theoretical integration in health psychology: Unifying ideas and complementary explanations
  177. Integrating the theory of planned behaviour and self-determination theory in health behaviour: A meta-analysis
  178. The Effects of Social Identity and Perceived Autonomy Support on Health Behaviour Within the Theory of Planned Behaviour
  179. Sustaining a positive altruistic identity in humanitarian aid work: A qualitative case study.
  180. Illness schema activation and attentional bias to coping procedures.
  181. Effects of an intervention based on self-determination theory on self-reported leisure-time physical activity participation
  182. The Effects of Self-Discordance, Self-Concordance, and Implementation Intentions on Health Behavior
  183. Behaviour, health and healthcare: Welcome to the EHPS/DHP Conference 2008
  184. How students’ perceptions of teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviours affect physical activity behaviour: an application of the trans-contextual model
  185. Influences of personality traits and continuation intentions on physical activity participation within the theory of planned behaviour
  186. Can default rates in colposcopy really be reduced?
  187. An Experimental Test of Cognitive Dissonance Theory in the Domain of Physical Exercise
  188. Using the construct of perceived autonomy support to understand social influence within the theory of planned behavior
  189. The perceived autonomy support scale for exercise settings (PASSES): Development, validity, and cross-cultural invariance in young people
  190. Advances in self-determination theory research in sport and exercise
  191. The moral worth of sport reconsidered: Contributions of recreational sport and competitive sport to life aspirations and psychological well-being
  192. Mindfulness and the Intention-Behavior Relationship Within the Theory of Planned Behavior
  193. Influences of volitional and forced intentions on physical activity and effort within the theory of planned behaviour
  194. Do Women With High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Prefer a See and Treat Option in Colposcopy?
  195. Cross-cultural validity and measurement invariance of the social physique anxiety scale in five European nations
  196. Global self-esteem, goal achievement orientations, and self-determined behavioural regulations in a physical education setting
  197. Does priming a specific illness schema result in an attentional information-processing bias for specific illnesses?
  198. Do Basic Psychological Needs Moderate Relationships Within the Theory of Planned Behavior?
  199. Aspects of identity and their influence on intentional behavior: Comparing effects for three health behaviors
  200. Do women with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia prefer a see and treat option in colposcopy?
  201. Self-identity and the theory of planned behaviour: Between- and within-participants analyses
  202. The Process by Which Relative Autonomous Motivation Affects Intentional Behavior: Comparing Effects Across Dieting and Exercise Behaviors
  203. Influences of perceived autonomy support on physical activity within the theory of planned behavior
  204. Meta-analysis in sport and exercise research: Review, recent developments, and recommendations
  205. Illness representations and emotion in people with abnormal screening results
  206. From Psychological Need Satisfaction to Intentional Behavior: Testing a Motivational Sequence in Two Behavioral Contexts
  207. The influences of intrinsic motivation on execution of social behaviour within the theory of planned behaviour
  208. Temporal framing and the decision to take part in type 2 diabetes screening: Effects of individual differences in consideration of future consequences on persuasion.
  209. Comparing two theories of health behavior: A prospective study of noncompletion of treatment following cervical cancer screening.
  210. "When No Means No": Can Reactance Augment the Theory of Planned Behavior?
  211. First- and higher-order models of attitudes, normative influence, and perceived behavioural control in the theory of planned behaviour
  212. Injury Representations, Coping, Emotions, and Functional Outcomes in Athletes With Sports-Related Injuries: A Test of Self-Regulation Theory1
  213. Physical Self-Concept in Adolescence: Generalizability of a Multidimensional, Hierarchical Model Across Gender and Grade
  214. A confirmatory factor analysis of the revised illness perception questionnaire (IPQ-R) in a cervical screening context
  215. The stability of the attitude-intention relationship in the context of physical activity
  216. Perceived Autonomy Support in Physical Education and Leisure-Time Physical Activity: A Cross-Cultural Evaluation of the Trans-Contextual Model.
  217. The influences of continuation intentions on execution of social behaviour within the theory of planned behaviour
  218. Appraisal theory and emotional sequelae of first visit to colposcopy following an abnormal cervical screening result
  219. Physical Self-Perceptions in Adolescence
  220. The Processes by Which Perceived Autonomy Support in Physical Education Promotes Leisure-Time Physical Activity Intentions and Behavior: A Trans-Contextual Model.
  221. A Meta-Analytic Review of the Common-Sense Model of Illness Representations
  222. The Cognitive Processes by which Perceived Locus of Causality Predicts Participation in Physical Activity
  223. The influence of autonomous and controlling motives on physical activity intentions within the Theory of Planned Behaviour
  224. The influence of self-efficacy and past behaviour on the physical activity intentions of young people