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  1. Systematic review of interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening: Benchmarking effect sizes and screening rates.
  2. The dose–response relationship in physical activity interventions: Does greater duration, number of sessions, and contact time enhance behavior change?
  3. Benchmarking the effectiveness of interventions to promote physical activity: A metasynthesis.
  4. Does increasing autonomous motivation or perceived competence lead to health behavior change? A meta-analysis.
  5. Self-determination theory interventions for health behavior change: Meta-analysis and meta-analytic structural equation modeling of randomized controlled trials.
  6. Reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and indoor tanning: A meta-analysis.
  7. What works in smoking cessation interventions for cancer survivors? A meta-analysis.
  8. Promoting physical activity among cancer survivors: Meta-analysis and meta-CART analysis of randomized controlled trials.