All Stories

  1. Structural pathways for ultrafast melting of optically excited thin polycrystalline Palladium films
  2. Data reduction in protein serial crystallography
  3. FDIP—A Fast Diffraction Image Processing Library for X-ray Crystallography Experiments
  4. DriftRec: Adapting Diffusion Models to Blind JPEG Restoration
  5. An Optimized Approach for Serial Crystallography Using Chips
  6. Fourth-generation light sources
  7. JINXED: just in time crystallization for easy structure determination of biological macromolecules
  8. Approximate description of crystal diffraction build with well behaved functions
  9. Decreasing ultrafast x-ray pulse durations with saturable absorption and resonant transitions
  10. Speckle contrast of interfering fluorescence X-rays
  11. Automatic bad-pixel mask maker for X-ray pixel detectors with application to serial crystallography
  12. Rapid and efficient room-temperature serial synchrotron crystallography using the CFEL TapeDrive
  13. JINXED: Just in time crystallization for easy structure determination of biological macromolecules
  14. Precise wavefront characterization of x-ray optical elements using a laboratory source
  15. Deep Iterative Phase Retrieval for Ptychography
  16. Numerical Simulation of Heat Load for Multilayer Laue Lens under Exposure to XFEL Pulse Trains
  17. Optical Funnel to Guide and Focus Virus Particles for X-Ray Diffractive Imaging
  18. Optical bunching of particles in a liquid flow
  19. The Natural Breakup Length of a Steady Capillary Jet: Application to Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
  20. John C. H. Spence (1946–2021)
  21. Microgravity crystallization for improving uniformity and homogeneity of crystals for time-resolved diffusive mixing XFEL experiments
  22. High-resolution achromatic X-ray optical systems for broad-band imaging and for focusing attosecond pulses
  23. X-ray screening identifies active site and allosteric inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease
  24. X-ray-Based Techniques to Study the Nano–Bio Interface
  25. C-phycocyanin as a highly attractive model system in protein crystallography: unique crystallization properties and packing-diversity screening
  26. Analysis of X-ray multilayer Laue lenses made by masked deposition
  27. Macromolecular phasing using diffraction from multiple crystal forms
  28. 3D diffractive imaging of nanoparticle ensembles using an x-ray laser
  29. A ray-trace analysis of x-ray multilayer Laue lenses for nanometer focusing
  30. speckle-tracking: a software suite for ptychographic X-ray speckle tracking
  31. Crystal structures of native cytochrome c 6 from Thermosynechococcus elongatus in two different space groups and implications for its oligomerization
  32. Photon statistics and signal to noise ratio for incoherent diffraction imaging
  33. Megahertz single-particle imaging at the European XFEL
  34. Low-signal limit of X-ray single particle diffractive imaging
  35. XGANDALF – extended gradient descent algorithm for lattice finding
  36. Computed stereo lensless X-ray imaging
  37. 3D printed nozzles on a silicon fluidic chip
  38. Multilayer Laue lenses at high X-ray energies: performance and applications
  39. X-ray Emission Spectroscopy at X-ray Free Electron Lasers: Limits to Observation of the Classical Spectroscopic Response for Electronic Structure Analysis
  40. New insights into the crystallization of polymorphic materials: from real-time serial crystallography to luminescence analysis
  41. Hard x-ray multi-projection imaging for single-shot approaches
  42. Dose efficient Compton X-ray microscopy
  43. X-ray and UV radiation-damage-induced phasing using synchrotron serial crystallography
  44. Femtosecond X-ray Fourier holography imaging of free-flying nanoparticles
  45. X-ray diffraction from aerosol crystals
  46. X-ray focusing with efficient high-NA multilayer Laue lenses
  47. Pink-beam serial crystallography
  48. Imaging the rapid binding of small molecules to proteins
  49. Continuous diffraction of molecules and disordered molecular crystals
  50. AXSIS: Exploring the frontiers in attosecond X-ray science, imaging and spectroscopy
  51. Special issue on imaging the dynamic structure of matter
  52. OnDA: online data analysis and feedback for serial X-ray imaging
  53. Three-dimensional-printed gas dynamic virtual nozzles for x-ray laser sample delivery
  54. Femtosecond structural dynamics drives the trans/cis isomerization in photoactive yellow protein
  55. Recent developments in CrystFEL
  56. Visualizing aerosol-particle injection for diffractive-imaging experiments
  57. Macromolecular diffractive imaging using imperfect crystals
  58. In celluloserial crystallography of alcohol oxidase crystals inside yeast cells
  59. Ceramic micro-injection molded nozzles for serial femtosecond crystallography sample delivery
  60. Accurate determination of segmented X-ray detector geometry
  61. Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser
  62. Electronic damage in S atoms in a native protein crystal induced by an intense X-ray free-electron laser pulse
  63. Extended asymmetric-cut multilayer X-ray gratings
  64. High numerical aperture multilayer Laue lenses
  65. Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging: A contemporary overview
  66. Effects of self-seeding and crystal post-selection on the quality of Monte Carlo-integrated SFX data
  67. Fabrication of wedged multilayer Laue lenses
  68. Indications of radiation damage in ferredoxin microcrystals using high-intensity X-FEL beams
  69. Structural basis for bifunctional peptide recognition at human δ-opioid receptor
  70. Direct Phasing of Finite Crystals Illuminated with a Free-Electron Laser
  71. Imaging single cells in a beam of live cyanobacteria with an X-ray laser
  72. Towards RIP using free-electron laser SFX data
  73. Ultrafast self-gating Bragg diffraction of exploding nanocrystals in an X-ray laser
  74. Time-resolved serial crystallography captures high-resolution intermediates of photoactive yellow protein
  75. High-throughput imaging of heterogeneous cell organelles with an X-ray laser
  76. Explosion dynamics of sucrose nanospheres monitored by time of flight spectrometry and coherent diffractive imaging at the split-and-delay beam line of the FLASH soft X-ray laser
  77. Erratum: Corrigendum: X-ray holography with a customizable reference
  78. Chemical reaction dynamics I and electron dynamics in molecules: general discussion
  79. Chemical reaction dynamics II and Correlated systems, surfaces and catalysis: general discussion
  80. Nanoscale and bio imaging: general discussion
  81. X-ray holography with a customizable reference
  82. Expression, purification and crystallization of CTB-MPR, a candidate mucosal vaccine component against HIV-1
  83. Toward atomic resolution diffractive imaging of isolated molecules with X-ray free-electron lasers
  84. Visualizing a protein quake with time-resolved X-ray scattering at a free-electron laser
  85. Serial time-resolved crystallography of photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser
  86. Femtosecond x-ray photoelectron diffraction on gas-phase dibromobenzene molecules
  87. Mapping the continuous reciprocal space intensity distribution of X-ray serial crystallography
  88. The birth of a new field
  89. Phasing coherently illuminated nanocrystals bounded by partial unit cells
  90. Diffraction before destruction
  91. Room-temperature macromolecular serial crystallography using synchrotron radiation
  92. Cheetah: software for high-throughput reduction and analysis of serial femtosecond X-ray diffraction data
  93. Conformation sequence recovery of a non-periodic object from a diffraction-before-destruction experiment
  94. X-Ray Diffraction from Isolated and Strongly Aligned Gas-Phase Molecules with a Free-Electron Laser
  95. Lipidic cubic phase injector facilitates membrane protein serial femtosecond crystallography
  96. Serial crystallography onin vivogrown microcrystals using synchrotron radiation
  97. Automated identification and classification of single particle serial femtosecond X-ray diffraction data
  98. Microfluidic liquid jet system with compatibility for atmospheric and high-vacuum conditions
  99. Imaging molecular structure through femtosecond photoelectron diffraction on aligned and oriented gas-phase molecules
  100. Disruptive photon technologies for chemical dynamics
  101. Instrumentation and methods: general discussion
  102. Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of G Protein-Coupled Receptors
  103. Structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre determined by serial femtosecond crystallography
  104. Hollow Bessel-like beam as an optical guide for a stream of microscopic particles
  105. Toward unsupervised single-shot diffractive imaging of heterogeneous particles using X-ray free-electron lasers
  106. Mesoscale morphology of airborne core–shell nanoparticle clusters: x-ray laser coherent diffraction imaging
  107. Determination of multiwavelength anomalous diffraction coefficients at high x-ray intensity
  108. The extraction of single-particle diffraction patterns from a multiple-particle diffraction pattern
  109. Crystallographic data processing for free-electron laser sources
  110. Sensing the wavefront of x-ray free-electron lasers using aerosol spheres
  111. Characterizing the focus of a multilayer coated off-axis parabola for FLASH beam at λ = 4.3 nm
  112. Invited Article: Coherent imaging using seeded free-electron laser pulses with variable polarization: First results and research opportunities
  113. Molecular Imaging Using X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers
  114. Natively Inhibited Trypanosoma brucei Cathepsin B Structure Determined by Using an X-ray Laser
  115. Limitations of coherent diffractive imaging of single objects due to their damage by intense x-ray radiation
  116. X-ray lasers for structural and dynamic biology
  117. Erratum: Fractal morphology, imaging and mass spectrometry of single aerosol particles in flight
  118. Fractal morphology, imaging and mass spectrometry of single aerosol particles in flight
  119. High-Resolution Protein Structure Determination by Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
  120. CrystFEL: a software suite for snapshot serial crystallography
  121. Lipidic phase membrane protein serial femtosecond crystallography
  122. In vivo protein crystallization opens new routes in structural biology
  123. Single-particle structure determination by correlations of snapshot X-ray diffraction patterns
  124. Radiation damage in protein serial femtosecond crystallography using an x-ray free-electron laser
  125. Self-terminating diffraction gates femtosecond X-ray nanocrystallography measurements
  126. TOF-OFF: A method for determining focal positions in tightly focused free-electron laser experiments by measurement of ejected ions
  127. Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction at High X-Ray Intensity
  128. Heterogeneous clusters as a model system for the study of ionization dynamics within tampered samples
  129. Introduction to the special issue in honor of Regents' Prof. John C.H. Spence in occasion of his 65th birthday
  130. Theoretical estimation for correlations of diffraction patterns from objects differently oriented in space
  131. Multipurpose modular experimental station for the DiProI beamline of Fermi@Elettra free electron laser
  132. Damage threshold of amorphous carbon mirror for 177eV FEL radiation
  133. Structure-factor analysis of femtosecond microdiffraction patterns from protein nanocrystals
  134. Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser
  135. Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography
  136. On the Feasibility of Nanocrystal Imaging Using Intense and Ultrashort X-ray Pulses
  137. Saturated ablation in metal hydrides and acceleration of protons and deuterons to keV energies with a soft-x-ray laser
  138. State- and conformer-selected beams of aligned and oriented molecules for ultrafast diffraction studies
  139. Moving the Frontier of Quantum Control into the Soft X-Ray Spectrum
  140. Coherent lensless X-ray imaging
  141. Femtosecond diffractive imaging of biological cells
  142. Single-shot femtosecond x-ray diffraction from randomly oriented ellipsoidal nanoparticles
  143. Intense X-ray science: the first 5 years of FLASH
  144. Publisher’s Note: Cryptotomography: Reconstructing 3D Fourier Intensities from Randomly Oriented Single-Shot Diffraction Patterns [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 , 225501 (2010)]
  145. Cryptotomography: Reconstructing 3D Fourier Intensities from Randomly Oriented Single-Shot Diffraction Patterns
  146. Electronic Structure of an XUV Photogenerated Solid-Density Aluminum Plasma
  147. Beyond small-angle x-ray scattering: Exploiting angular correlations
  148. Structure of a single particle from scattering by many particles randomly oriented about an axis: toward structure solution without crystallization?
  149. Sacrificial Tamper Slows Down Sample Explosion in FLASH Diffraction Experiments
  150. Aerosol Imaging with a Soft X-Ray Free Electron Laser
  151. Turning solid aluminium transparent by intense soft X-ray photoionization
  152. X-ray imaging beyond the limits
  153. An assessment of the resolution limitation due to radiation-damage in X-ray diffraction microscopy
  154. Experiments at FLASH
  155. Ultrafast soft X-ray scattering and reference-enhanced diffractive imaging of weakly scattering nanoparticles
  156. Powder diffraction from a continuous microjet of submicrometer protein crystals
  157. Tomographic Femtosecond X-Ray Diffractive Imaging
  158. Erratum: Ultrafast single-shot diffraction imaging of nanoscale dynamics
  159. Massively parallel X-ray holography
  160. Three-Dimensional Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of a Ceramic Nanofoam: Determination of Structural Deformation Mechanisms
  161. APPLIED PHYSICS: Focus on X-ray Diffraction
  162. Ultrafast single-shot diffraction imaging of nanoscale dynamics
  163. Modeling of the damage dynamics of nanospheres exposed to x-ray free-electron-laser radiation
  164. Single Particle X-ray Diffractive Imaging
  165. Dose, exposure time and resolution in serial X-ray crystallography
  166. Droplet streams for serial crystallography of proteins
  167. Aerosol sample preparation methods for X-ray diffractive imaging: Size-selected spherical nanoparticles on silicon nitride foils
  168. Soft-x-ray free-electron-laser interaction with materials
  169. Femtosecond time-delay X-ray holography
  170. Encapsulation and Diffraction-Pattern-Correction Methods to Reduce the Effect of Damage in X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of Single Biological Molecules
  171. Subnanometer-Scale Measurements of the Interaction of Ultrafast Soft X-Ray Free-Electron-Laser Pulses with Matter
  172. Reflection of attosecond x-ray free electron laser pulses
  173. Femtosecond diffractive imaging with a soft-X-ray free-electron laser
  174. Damped and thermal motion of laser-aligned hydrated macromolecule beams for diffraction
  175. Observation of Structural Anisotropy and the Onset of Liquidlike Motion During the Nonthermal Melting of InSb
  176. Pulse requirements for x-ray diffraction imaging of single biological molecules
  177. Diffraction with wavefront curvature: a path to unique phase recovery
  178. Atomic-Scale Visualization of Inertial Dynamics
  179. High-efficiency diffractive x-ray optics from sectioned multilayers
  180. Clocking Femtosecond X Rays
  181. Use of extended and prepared reference objects in experimental Fourier transform x-ray holography
  182. Phasing diffuse scattering. Application of theSIR2002algorithm to the non-crystallographic phase problem
  183. SPEDEN: reconstructing single particles from their diffraction patterns
  184. Unique Phase Recovery for Nonperiodic Objects
  185. X-ray image reconstruction from a diffraction pattern alone
  186. Inversion of x-ray diffuse scattering to images using prepared objects
  187. X-ray microscopy by phase-retrieval methods at the advanced light source
  188. Testing extreme ultraviolet optics with visible-light and extreme ultraviolet interferometry
  189. Sub-70 nm extreme ultraviolet lithography at the Advanced Light Source static microfield exposure station using the engineering test stand set-2 optic
  190. X-ray microscopy