All Stories

  1. Controlled molecule injector for cold, dense, and pure molecular beams at the European x-ray free-electron laser
  2. Molecular influence on nuclear-quadrupole-coupling effects in laser induced alignment
  3. Controlled beams of shock-frozen, isolated, biological and artificial nanoparticles
  4. X-ray diffractive imaging of controlled gas-phase molecules: Toward imaging of dynamics in the molecular frame
  5. Atomic-resolution imaging of carbonyl sulfide by laser-induced electron diffraction
  6. Coulomb explosion imaging of CH3I and CH2ClI photodissociation dynamics
  7. Toward atomic resolution diffractive imaging of isolated molecules with X-ray free-electron lasers
  8. Alternating-gradient focusing of the benzonitrile-argon van der Waals complex
  9. State- and conformer-selected beams of aligned and oriented molecules for ultrafast diffraction studies
  10. Rotational-state-specific guiding of large molecules
  11. Theoretical description of adiabatic laser alignment and mixed-field orientation: the need for a non-adiabatic model
  12. Stark-selected beam of ground-state OCS molecules characterized by revivals of impulsive alignment
  13. Vibronic coupling in indole: I. Theoretical description of the 1La–1Lb interaction and the electronic spectrum
  14. Vibronic coupling in indole: II. Investigation of the 1La–1Lb interaction using rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy
  15. Laser-induced 3D alignment and orientation of quantum state-selected molecules