What is it about?
Periodic structures built from linkers, or "sticks", can assemble in woven form. Here we enumerate the various simple forms that can arise where there is only one kind of vertex and one kind of stick – these "regular" structures being the simplest, and therefore more likely to be synthesized.
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Why is it important?
New types of material will have new properties. Woven structures are a relatively new class of materials. They are being created serendipitously. We offer crystallographic descriptions of the regular weaves.

In addition to their potential utility as a new class of materials, these woven structures are quite beautiful, mesmerizing even, and their topology/structures are fascinating.
Michael Treacy
Arizona State University Charles Trumbull Hayden Library
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Crystallographic descriptions of regular 2-periodic weavings of threads, loops and nets, Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, February 2020, International Union of Crystallography,
DOI: 10.1107/s2053273320001278.
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