All Stories

  1. Periodic graphs with coincident edges: folding-ladder and related graphs
  2. Periodic diffraction from an aperiodic monohedral tiling – the Spectre tiling. Addendum
  3. Periodic Borromean rings, rods and chains
  4. Isogonal 2-periodic polycatenanes: chain mail
  5. Diffraction from Aperiodic Einstein Tiling
  6. Isogonal embeddings of interwoven and self-entangled honeycomb (hcb) nets and related interpenetrating primitive cubic (pcu) nets
  7. Borromean rings redux. A missing link found – a Borromean triplet of Borromean triplets
  8. Three-periodic nets, tilings and surfaces. A short review and new results
  9. Piecewise-linear embeddings of decussate extended θ graphs and tetrahedra
  10. Isogonal piecewise-linear embeddings of 1-periodic knots and links, and related 2-periodic chain-link and knitting patterns
  11. Tangled piecewise-linear embeddings of trivalent graphs
  12. On Borromean links and related structures
  13. Piecewise-linear embeddings of knots and links with rotoinversion symmetry
  14. Isogonal piecewise linear embeddings of 1-periodic weaves and some related structures
  15. Isogonal non-crystallographic periodic graphs based on knotted sodalite cages
  16. Isogonal weavings on the sphere: knots, links, polycatenanes
  17. Weavings of threads, loops and nets built from straight connectors.
  18. Flexibility mechanisms in ideal zeolite frameworks