

What is it about?

This chapter give researchers, practitioners, and students a pedestal to get a comprehensive look at the new technology of communication named 5G.

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Why is it important?

The chapter present an introduction that shows the importance of 5G to the different uses of the Internet.


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Chapter presents two essential aspects:(1) 5G research in academia and real world and (2) timeline of Gs. Then, discusses three aspects of 5G which are, namely,(1) Regulations,(2) security, and (3) the 5 enabling Technologies. Then, discusses the real-life case of South Korea mobile carrier

Associate Professor Dr. Ali Hussein Zolait
University of Bahrain

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: 5G Road Map to Communication Revolution, June 2020, IntechOpen,
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92319.
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