What is it about?

All well-known cancer risk factors are in correlation with defects of estrogen signaling in partnership with glucose intolerance as estrogen regulates all steps of glucose uptake. In central obesity, increased secretions of cytokines and growth factors are not causal factors of developing insulin resistance, and unrestrained cell proliferation, but rather, they are compensatory processes so as to increase estrogen synthesis and ER transactivation.

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Why is it important?

Understanding the pivotal regulatory roles of healthy abdominal fatty tissue in signal transduction may answer the question: how can abundant visceral fat deposition lead to serious, life-threatening diseases, such as cardiovascular lesions and malignancies in different organs? Heavily lipid laden abdominal adipocytes loose their capacity for receivinng estrogen signal and for conferring regulatory commands to the adjacent organs.


In obese patients, the causal therapy is the improvement of estrogen signaling in both men and women via estrogen substitution, changes in lifestyle, or use of natural products upregulating the genomic machinery.

professor Zsuzsanna Suba
National Institute of Oncology Budapest

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Crossroad between Obesity and Cancer: A Defective Signaling Function of Heavily Lipid-Laden Adipocytes, May 2019, IntechOpen,
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.85995.
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