What is it about?
The relationship between the three parameters in virtual R&D teams which are People, Technology, and Process, and virtual team's effectiveness is described. Increased global competitions have urged small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to develop new products faster. Virtual research and development (R&D) teams in SMEs can offer a solution to speed up time-to-market of new product development (NPD). However, factors that affect the effectiveness of virtual teams for NPD are still not adequately verified. This paper presents the correlations between virtual R&D team constructs and virtual team effectiveness by developing a “Virtual Research and Development Team” (ViR&DT) model. The items, which may influence the effectiveness of virtual teams, are taken from the literature. Through an online survey and by application of structural equation modeling (SEM) technique, the proposed model (ViR&DT) has been tested. The results suggest that the process construct is strongly correlated to the effectiveness of virtual teams. Therefore, NPD managers in virtual R&D teams should concentrate on the process of new product development rather than simply equipping the teams with the latest technology or employing highly qualified experts. Further empirical research is recommended to fully explore and appreciate the breadth of application of the ViR&DT model.
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Why is it important?
I found that he director of virtual team can reduce the cost and time of new product by improving the process. So, no need to spend too much investment to equip the team with high technology instruments or employ only talented knowledge workers.

The paper provides a strategic forward guideline to the manager of new product development through virtual R&D teams. Improve and concentrate on the process of new product development rather than technology and people.
Dr Nader Ale Ebrahim
Alzahra University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Virtual R&D Teams: A New Model for Product Development, International Journal of Innovation, October 2015, University Nove de Julho,
DOI: 10.5585/iji.v3i2.43.
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"Virtual R&D Teams: A New Model for Product Development" in 3 Minutes
EPD 2010: 3 Minute Competition participant, Nader Ale Ebrahim, PhD Student from Engineering Design and Manufacture Department, University of Malaya shares his views on his research.
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- Presentation
Development of an Effectual Collaborative Model for NPD in SMEs through Virtual R&D Teams
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered as the engines for economic growth in developing countries. Generally, SMEs are producing products for large companies. In this context, new product development (NPD) by SMEs is an inevitable requirement in today’s rapidly growing market needs for their survival. Increased global competition and reduced products life cycles have urged SMEs to develop new products rather faster at lower costs than earlier. In response to these pressing needs, collaborative NPD through virtual R&D teams offer a more successful and sustainable means to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of SMEs than conventional product development. However, the factors affecting the effectiveness of virtual teams in SMEs for NPD are still not clearly discerned in the literature and most of the existing virtual team effectiveness models focus on the social aspect of teams (such as trust), rather than the vital operational issues (like time-to-market). Hence, the main objective of this study is to determine the correlations between virtual R&D team constructs (knowledge workers, process and technology) and virtual team effectiveness by developing a “Virtual R&D Team” (ViR&DT) model, which incorporates the major operational aspects for team effectiveness.
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