What is it about?

Monolayer nanocrystal-based light sensors with cadmium-selenium thin film electrodes have been investigated using electrochemical cyclic voltammetry tests. An indium tin oxide electrode system, with a monolayer of homogeneously deposited cadmium-selenium quantum dots was proven to work as a photo-sensor via an electrochemical cell mechanism; it was possible to tune current densities under light illumination.

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Why is it important?

Electrochemical tests on a quantum dot capacitor, using different sized (red, yellow and green) cadmium-selenium quantum dots on indium tin oxide substrates, showed typical capacitive behavior of cyclic voltammetry curves in 2M H2SO4 aqueous solutions.


This arrangement provides a beneficial effect in, both, charge separation and light sensory characteristics. Importantly, the photocurrent density depended on quantum yield rendering tunable photo-sensing properties.

Dr. Sitansu Sekhar Nanda
Myongji University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Monolayer Quantum-Dot Based Light-Sensor by a Photo-Electrochemical Mechanism, Micromachines, August 2020, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/mi11090817.
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