

What is it about?

This paper explains how basic cognitive capacities for developing social adjustment can be impaired after experiencing trauma in childhood or adolescent. This paper is a part of our intervention mapping research that resulted in developing a specialised intervention to target the effects of trauma on social life of young people.

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Why is it important?

The effects of childhood trauma on social life of traumatised young people is treatment-resistant and a lack of effective intervention for these problems is still a research gap. This study (as a part of our comprehensive intervention mapping research, published in journal of Traumatology) had a significant role to fill this gap in current psychotherapy with traumatised young people.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Identifying the Links Between Trauma and Social Adjustment: Implications for More Effective Psychotherapy With Traumatized Youth, Frontiers in Psychology, April 2021, Frontiers,
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.666807.
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