

What is it about?

The Bahamas has used consistent policy responses to address nutritional problems. After addressing the initial problems of undernutrition in the 1970s and 80s, however, overconsumption of unhealthy foods has led to a rising level of obesity which The Bahamas has faced since the early 2000s. This study forms a timeline of obesity-related health policy responses. It explores the factors which helped or hindered public health policy responses to obesity in The Bahamas over a 20-year period.

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Why is it important?

We found that between 2000 and 2019, a series of national policies and community-level programmes were made to address the level of obesity. What helped was building on previous successes, working together with other sectors (like education, and farming), and getting communities to agree. What hindered was that there were issues with working with other sectors that needed to support the programmes, gaps in policies, and not having enough money for programmes. Overall, having programmes that last a very long time helps to address the level of obesity. It would be good if programmes considered gender more and also made healthy food more available and affordable for all.


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It was a pleasure to speak with many Bahamians about obesity in the country. Their words and perspectives brought this piece to life and showed why it is important to address obesity from multiple levels at the same time.

Dr Francis K. Poitier
University of Leeds

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Impact of sustained health policy and population-level interventions on reducing the prevalence of obesity in the Caribbean region: A qualitative study from The Bahamas, Frontiers in Public Health, August 2022, Frontiers,
DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.926672.
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