

What is it about?

Glucose intolerance and diabetes is increasing day by day worldwide. In this project the anti-diabetic potential of a locally used gum was scientifically established. Suspension of mastic gum was prepared and anti-diabetic effect was observed at different time intervals in alloxan treated diabetic rats.

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Why is it important?

In this project preclinical studies have confirmed the use effective anti-diabetic potential of Mastic gum. Significant anti-diabetic effect was confirmed and further evaluation on molecular level is required to establish the mechanisms.


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This article established the anti-diabetic effect of Mastic gum thereby contributing to the ethnopharmacological uses of this drug.

Sairah Kamran
University of the Punjab

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Anti-diabetic activity of crude Pistacia lentiscus in alloxan-induced diabetes in rats, Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, July 2015, Bangladesh Journals Online (BanglaJOL),
DOI: 10.3329/bjp.v10i3.23225.
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