

What is it about?

TGR5 play important role in pathogenesis of diabetes. Activation of TGR5 activates cAMP that sponsor the production of insulin by pancreatic beta cells. Targeting this TGR5 receptor by suitable ligand (Astonia boonie compounds) can serve as a good therapeutic approach in the treatment of diabetes

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Why is it important?

This pathway (TGR5) as not been explored by Astonia boonie compounds, and no drug as been commercially produced to target this TGR5 receptor


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Production of drugs with the compounds of Astonia boonie compounds that has promising binding or docking scores in targeting this TGR5 receptor can serve as a good therapeutic approach in the treatment of diabetes

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Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Exploring the therapeutic mechanisms of Astonia boonei in diabetes mellitus ligand‑based virtual screening with TGR5 Receptor, Journal of Food Bioactives, June 2024, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.31665/jfb.2024.18381.
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