What is it about?
Review of the 1971 Unisist report, a UNESCO and ICSU initiative aimed at improving global scientific information access. The paper revisits the historical goals of Unisist, which sought to coordinate and standardize scientific data sharing internationally. It compares Unisist's original vision to current challenges in open science and digital information management. The author argues that, despite advances in technology, a global policy framework for scientific information remains relevant today.
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Why is it important?
The paper revisits Unisist (1971), a UNESCO-led initiative to create a global scientific information system, linking it to today's challenges in open science and AI. It highlights the need for international coordination in data standardization, access, and governance, warning that fragmentation and corporate control threaten equitable knowledge sharing. Revisiting Unisist's vision could help address current gaps in global scientific information management.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Unisist (1971): la posibilidad de establecer un sistema mundial de información científica vista en clave de regreso al futuro y a la política, Anuario ThinkEPI, December 2024, EPI SCP (El Profesional de la Informacion),
DOI: 10.3145/thinkepi.2024.e18a23.
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