What is it about?
The study was conducted on Tobea Island with the aim of analyzing sex ratio and first size gonad mature mud clams. Data were analyzed to determine the sex ratio and first size of gonad mature mud clams of Tobea Island by using chi-square analysis (χ2) and Spearmen-Karber Method (Udupa, 1986). The result of sex ratio analysis using chi-square based on sampling station, retrieval time and maturity level of the gonad (TKG) showed the sex ratio of male males less muddy than female gender. This is indicated by the value of chi-square count> chi-square table either based on sampling time (6,3700> 4,3027), based on observation station (6,6673> 4,3027), based on maturity level of gonad (TKG) 6.6673> 4.3027). The first size of ripe moss gonad shells, male sex reached mature gonad size of shell length of 39.62 mm, in the long shell range of 39.20 to 40.04 mm. For female gender reaches the first size of mature gonad the average length of the shell is 39.58 mm, in the long shell range of 39.21 to 39.96 mm. Mud fray on Tobea Island, the first size of true gonad for male sex reaches 39.7 mm in length and female gender reaches 38.0 mm in length.
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Why is it important?
The study was conducted on Tobea Island with the aim of analyzing sex ratio and first size gonad mature mud clams.
The study was conducted on Tobea Island with the aim of analyzing sex ratio and first size gonad mature mud clams.
Assoc. Prof. Rochmady Rochmady
Sangia Research Media & Publishing
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Nisbah kelamin dan ukuran pertama matang gonad kerang lumpur Anodontia edentula, Linnaeus 1758 di pulau Tobea, Kecamatan Napabalano, Kabupaten Muna, Agrikan Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan, October 2012, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Wuna,
DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.5.2.25-32.
You can read the full text:
Nisbah kelamin dan ukuran pertama matang gonad kerang lumpur Anodontia edentula, Linnaeus 1758 di pulau Tobea, Kecamatan Napabalano, Kabupaten Muna
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Sex Ratio and First Size Gonad Maturity Mudclams Anodontia Edentula, Linnaeus 1758 in Tobea Island, Napabalano District, Muna Regency
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Sex Ratio and First Size Gonad Maturity Mudclams Anodontia Edentula, Linnaeus 1758 in Tobea Island, Napabalano District, Muna Regency
Indonesia Arxiv
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