

What is it about?

The problem of water implies a knowledge as perfect as possible of water potential, especially in countries located in semi-arid and arid regions. Like other North African countries, Algeria is facing a dramatic decline in both surface and underground water reserves. In this context, reducing the impact of this situation requires good resource management. The solution lies in forecasting the hydrological behavior of watersheds, with a view to predicting their spatial and temporal flows. the use of hydrological watershed modelling is essential. It enables us to solve certain problems relating to water resource management, land use planning or one of the various facets of hydrological risk.

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Why is it important?

In this research we are interested in rainfall-runoff models. These models enable us to predict the response of the watershed in terms of flow rates. However. Indeed, the performance of a hydrological model depends not only on the amount of rain falling in the basin, but also on other parameters, such as anthropogenic effects and land use.


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one of the key strengths of hydrological modelling is its ability to integrate diverse datasets and scientific knowledge to provide a holistic understanding of water systems. by accounting for factors like land use, soil characteristics, and climate variability , these models can help water managers and policymakers make more informed decisions about water allocation , infrastructure planning , and environmental protection. we believe that continued investment in hydrological modelling research and its practical application will be essential for sustainable water management , climate change adaptation , and the overall well-being of human societies and ecosystems . by combining scientific expertise , technological innovation, and collaborative efforts , we can harness the power of hydrological modelling to edress the complex water-related challenges of the future.


Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Modelling the monthly hydrological balance using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model: A case study of the Wadi Mina upstream watershed, Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, June 2024, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.26599/jgse.2024.9280013.
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