What is it about?
Estimate leading-edge flow reversal in unsteady laminar flows with minimal computational cost without resorting to CFD, Experiments. If you're wondering how can one predict flow separation near the leading-edge without generating grids, CFD OR running experiments in the wind tunnel but purely based on theoretical tools, look no further !
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Why is it important?
We provide a low-cost computational tool which can predict the first occurrence of leading-edge flow reversal for a given airfoil at low Reynolds numbers. We have identified a boundary-layer based parameter called Shape Factor (H_32) which attains criticality in the event of a leading-edge vortex initiation. Later, we use this idea of criticality in an unsteady vortex panel method coupled with integral boundary layer calculation which signals leading-edge flow reversal in unsteady flows.
Our work is a significant update to the existing research in low-order model based prediction of leading-edge flow separation. Most low-cost tools use the Leading-edge suction parameter (LESP) as a criterion for flow separation which essentially depends on leading-edge radius (r_LE) and Reynolds number (Re) which would require the use of high order methods like CFD, Experiments. The current work has crucial ramifications in picking the appropriate LESP for any given airfoil and motion combination. Hence, we eliminate the need for CFD, Experiments to obtain the LESP for a new parameter set.
Hariharan Ramanathan
North Carolina State University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Prediction of Vortex Initiation using an Unsteady Panel Method with an Integral-Boundary-Layer Calculation, June 2022, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3897.
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