What is it about?
Flow separation is a critical topic in fluid dynamics that still requires a deeper physical understanding. High-fidelity simulations are known to aid in understanding this phenomenon, despite their high cost. This study demonstrates the capability of Wall-Modeled LES in the CharLES solver in simulating surface separation similar to that occurring in low-pressure turbines. Important phenomena influencing the characteristics of separation are revealed, including key parameters that must be carefully managed to achieve good alignment with experimental results.
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Why is it important?
As high-fidelity simulations, such as large eddy simulation, become more popular and increasingly feasible for industrial applications, it is important for users to apply careful attention on the important parameters to achieve accurate alignment with real-world phenomena.
I hope this study provides perspective on the importance of users having a solid understanding of actual flow phenomena and conditions to use high-fidelity CFD simulations accurately and effectively. Without this understanding, inefficient use of resources and inaccurate results may occur.
Himpu Marbona
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Large-Eddy Simulations of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Separation Over a Bump With Strong Pressure Gradients and Freestream Turbulence, July 2024, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA),
DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-4530.
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