What is it about?
Lyapunov functions are an outstanding tool for the stability analysis of distributed parameter systems. In the applications, in these systems often terms that model friction effects appear. In the pde literature such terms are referred to as source terms. In this paper we present new Lyapunov functions that are particualrly suitable for the stability analysis of such systems. They have weights that are given by hyperbolic functions and generalize the exponential weights that have been used successfully in particular by Georges Bastin, Jean-Michel Coron, D'Andrea Novel and their collaborators.
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Why is it important?
In many applications the most accurate models are given by distributed parameter systems. Stability is of utmost importance in the operation of complex systems. Therefore it is important to develop further methods for the stability analysis of such systems, in order to design new efficient feedback control laws.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: New Lyapunov functions for systems with source terms, Control and Cybernetics, January 2025, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.2478/candc-2024-0008.
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