

What is it about?

Ultrasonic test performed to determine the homogeneity of polymer-cement concrete with PET waste (derived from soft drinks PET bottles) and correlation between the internal structure of composites and their mechanical properties. The concretes contained various amounts of PET.

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Why is it important?

The research fits into the circular economy because waste from everyday human activity was used as a substitute for non-renewable raw materials and the material carbon footprint of the composite was reduced.


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The NDT ultrasonic testing is an effective tool to diagnose the PCC properties.

Doctor Joanna Julia Sokołowska
Politechnika Warszawska

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Ultrasonic Quality Assessment of Polymer-Cement Concrete with Pet Waste as the Aggregate, DELETED, December 2018, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.2478/ace-2018-0017.
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