What is it about?
I started this book with my father's name. He who lived great and went quietly. I talked about optimization algorithms in this book called " How to Design Optimization Algorithms by Applying Natural Behavioral Patterns ". This book is a kind of practical book and a kind of class so that the interested reader can search in nature and turn the wonderful things in nature into an optimization algorithm. Optimization algorithms are able to find the best answer to the most difficult problems. The application of these algorithms is in solving problems of all sciences. Read this book and get your own brand algorithm.
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Why is it important?
Application of optimization algorithms in various sciences

I am Dr. Rohollah Omidvar. I wrote this book in collaboration with Dr. Behrouz Minaei. Our goal was to provide a resource for students and researchers in the field of artificial intelligence
Rohollah Omidvar
Iran University of Science and Technology
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: How to Design Optimization Algorithms by Applying Natural Behavioral Patterns, September 2021, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/97898114595971200101.
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