

What is it about?

Therapeutic communication can be enhanced using visual technology, such as use of computer-facilitated dialogue, previously reported by author and his colleagues. This article highlights the use of Goal Development protocol, using MS Text Box to collaboratively discuss personal goal, current functioning, issues and concerns, and steps one needs to take to reach goals in working with adolescent clients.

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Why is it important?

The technique can be used with diverse clinical populations of all ages to facilitate collaborative dialogues in clinical interactions by varied mental health clinicians as well as by medication prescribers. Once collaboratively developed with patients, it can be used as therapeutic prompts for patients or for reviewing clinical progress in relation to specific treatment provided. it's potential for use in non-clinical situation is highlighted. Author encourages a wide use of the technique.


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Computer-facilitated therapy in psychotherapy to enhance communication by using visual representation of auditory-based communication was pioneered by author in his varied clinical practice. There have been published research articles involving author and his colleagues. See author's biography in his website: http://www.psychologymentalhealth.com/ The therapy technique is incorporated in Mind Stimulation Therapy, (see author's collaborative publications on the model).

DR Mohiuddin Ahmed

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Computer-facilitated Therapeutic Dialogue with Adolescents with Behavior Disorders, Adolescent Psychiatry, January 2017, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/2210676606666160919145248.
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