

What is it about?

p53 is a key factor that maintains the genomic stability and participates in programmed cell death (Apoptosis). Its up and down levels decide the fate of cellular system in human body. Undesired damage of cellular system has been found to be associated with unregulated rise of functionally active p53 such as damage of normal tissues during anticancer therapy, neurodegeneration disorders, infectious diseases etc. Here we explained the various small molecular inhibitors of p53 induced cell death for protection of normal cellular system as well as their significance in several human disorders.

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Why is it important?

p53 has been found to play crucial role for decision whether a cell has to be died or not? Means life to destruction involved in several human diseases.


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This article focuses on new drug discovery schemes for inhibition of cell death along with various human diseases.

Dr Surendra Kumar Nayak
Adesh University Bathinda

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: p53-Induced Apoptosis and Inhibitors of p53, Current Medicinal Chemistry, July 2009, Bentham Science Publishers,
DOI: 10.2174/092986709788681976.
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