

What is it about?

Occupational exposure to chemicals causes a wide range of biological effects depending upon the level and duration of exposure. Garage workers in small scale auto garages are exposed to chemicals. These exposures are reported in many studies conducted in different countries. The main aim of this paper was to determine the differences in hematological parameters and blood pressure among the garage workers compared to apparently health individuals.

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Why is it important?

Our finding show that there were significant differences in blood pressure and hematological parameters between garage workers and control group.


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This study is conducted in a developing country where there is a limited study on occupational health. Even the preceding studies studied the exposure of garage workers to chemicals, there is no study on the differences of the biological monitoring indicator among garage workers. Therefore this study is important in a way that it explores the occupational health risk of working in the garages in the context of developing countries.

Zerihun Ataro
Haramaya University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Occupational health risk of working in garages: comparative study on blood pressure and hematological parameters between garage workers and Haramaya University community, Harar, eastern Ethiopia, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, March 2018, Dove Medical Press,
DOI: 10.2147/rmhp.s154611.
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