

What is it about?

1. Same message, different medium. Social media is part of a wider continuum of efforts to help people discover, discuss, and share our publications. How can we make it easy, and reward authors for getting involved? 2. What's in it for the author? Results have to be meaningful, and clear, and ideally boosted by collaboration from publishers, institutions etc 3. If it's easy and it works, resistance will melt away. 4. Social media is an iceberg - don't forget what's under the surface. Make decisions about promotional strategies based on the whole communications picture, not just the visible bit that social media represents. 5. Experience is the best teacher. Dive in! (just don't forget to measure the results of your efforts!)

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Why is it important?

Social media has grown fast, and is used pervasively by publishing staff and by their authors. But many remain uncertain about whether the effort involved is worthwhile. These tips provide an important framework for evaluating effort.


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I love seeing researchers and the organizations around them - publishers, institutions, societies etc - experimenting with social media as a mode of scholarly communication; there are just so many fascinating ways in which scholars and their publications have benefited from this exposure. Ten years after I started training people in using social media, I sometimes worry that pieces like this are too "basic" but actually at conferences and so on I often meet people who remain uncertain about how best to use social media, or indeed whether to use it at all. So I've gone back to first principles again here and hope that it helps people appreciate the role and potential of social media!

Charlie Rapple (Kudos)
Kudos Innovations Ltd

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Social Media in Five Lessons, Editorial Office News, September 2016, International Society for Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE),
DOI: 10.18243/eon/2016.9.8.4.
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