What is it about?
Tension Structures, Second edition delivers a unique coverage of the topic of tension structures ranging from a variety of pre-stressed cable net and fabric roofing forms to suspension bridge cables. The emphasis is on finding minimum energy forms of these structures by analogy to nature.
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Why is it important?
The book offers an exclusive perspective on mathematical modelling of shape of fabric and cable structures, as well as suspension bridge cables, and rigid structural forms, such as arches and shells. The common methodology is form-finding, which defines optimal configurations of these structures in terms of ease with which they transfer loads and improved durability.

Thanks to my European research contacts, the book includes a number of industrial projects featuring some of the most outstanding tension fabric structures in the world, such as the Umbrellas Piazza in Madinah, Saudi Arabia, 2011. The explanation of the relevance of form-finding to rigid structures, such as arches, constitutes a unique feature of the book.
Professor Wanda J Lewis
University of Warwick
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Tension Structures, January 2017, ICE Publishing,
DOI: 10.1680/tsfab.61736.
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