

What is it about?

Phthalates are industrial additives that increase the plasticity of some toys, but are also known to be toxic to the male and female reproductive systems. People find it too difficult to analyze industrial like phthalates because they claim they are "innumerable". I demonstrated that they can be measured and then I provided the exact number of all possible phthalates given a molecular size range.

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Why is it important?

People find it too difficult to analyze industrial like phthalates because they claim they are "innumerable". By demonstrating that they can be counted and providing the total number of phthalates, I remove a barrier and make the measurement of phthalates more realistic.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: On the Number of Phthalates, Authorea, Inc.,
DOI: 10.15200/winn.144348.80403.
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