

What is it about?

Application of numerical simulation to characterize the surface treatment of solid foods with UV-C radiation - definition of a preliminary structure of an adjustable pilot device and model validation. Next tests on the pilot plant will allow to optimize the device for industrial implementation.

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Why is it important?

- Definition of a preliminary structure of a pilot plant with adjustable lamp positions that will be built for future tests. - The metal-mesh conveyor belt allows treating several types of fruits and vegetables, even those small and prone to mechanical damage. - Definition of a modelling approach using ANSYS Fluent, and of time- and resource-saving simplifications implementable for configurations with lamps above and below the conveyor belt.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Industrial device for the continuous UV-C treatment of fruit and vegetables: simulation-aided design and model validation, International Journal of Food Engineering, April 2024, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.1515/ijfe-2023-0065.
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